The Reckless Vampire (F)

38 0 0

Restrictions: Your character must be human


"Jane Tempest." 


"Nineteen and a half."

(Eight-hundred and seventy-three, died when she was nineteen.)


"Female, you idiot."


"Straight as Cupid's arrow."



She grins, revealing pointed teeth.



"Puppies! And dogs in general. Did I mention dogs?"

(The ocean, tofu, archery)


"My sister. She's a real b*tch, sometimes."

(Animal blood, people who get tattoos/piercings, cold weather)


"People say I'm shy, but I just like to keep to myself. Reading with a dog is better than human company..."

(Reserved, restless, doesn't like to be physically touched too much, reckless)


"I can shoot you through the eye from fifty meters." 

(Very good aim, enhanced strength, smell, and speed)


"I gave up my religion five hundred years ago. You can't burn me with holy water, and a crucifix is just about useless." 

Note: She can withstand weak, indirect sunlight for the purposes of this roleplay. Bright sunlight still burns her. 

(Wooden stakes, bright sunlight, must feed every 2-4 days)


"I am born of fear itself. What do I have to be afraid of?"

(Discovery, fire, monster hunters)


"I was raised alongside my older sister in a small village in southern France. We were both bitten one night, though only I was Turned. My father was killed during the scuffle, and my mother fled. I never saw her again. That was more than eight hundred years ago, rest her soul. My sister was very nearly slaughtered as well, but I managed with a conjuring of dark magic brought about by the power of my first Change. That is all for now."

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