Chapter Fourteen

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Steve's POV (Present)

We've been at the warehouse for over a week and hadn't heard anything from the outside world. Occasionally Sam and I would go out and collect information about Hydra and other things but it seems that Hydra was staying quiet for the moment. We weren't sure at how long it would be until they would find us so we've been making plans for our next move. Dr Richards left a day or so ago because Susan had fallen ill and needed him to help her out. We still have Banner and Tony helping Bucky.

I was in what we started calling our 'meeting room' with Fury and Tony discussing our next move.

"Why don't we go to Stark Tower?" Tong suggested.

"It would be ideal but how are we supposed to get there unnoticed?" Fury asked.

He took the words right out of Tony's mouth.

"There are underground tunnels that lead to the back of the building which we could use." He replied.

Fury glanced at me and shrugged. I nodded back to him. It would be nice to get out of this place and go somewhere more...homely.

"Sounds good." I said to Tony.

He smiled and got out of his chair to go and start packing stuff, I presumed. As he went to walk out the door he almost ran smack into Sam.

"Woah Birdy." Tony said to him. That was Sam's new nickname.

Sam was puffing and held out some sort of electronic device. It was beeping madly. I looked at Sam; he had a very scared expression on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"We need to move - missile - coming our way - Hydra." He stammered.

I got up and ran to find Bucky. Tony tried to get as much stuff out as he could and Fury and Sam got Banner out.

"Bucky!" I yelled. "Bucky where are you!? We need to get out!"

I ran down the halls to where I thought he may be but couldn't find him. I turned around and sprinted back and turned down another hallway. At the end I could just see Bucky standing there.

"Bucky!" I yelled at him.

He turned around quickly and looked at me strangely.

"Bucky we need to get out of here!" I yelled as he ran towards me.

"What's going on?" He asked me.


There's bright lights everywhere; and sounds that seem unfamiliar. In trying to open my eyes but I can't. It's like there are glued and stitched together. Breathing hurts and there's a constant ringing in my ears. I can't move, at all. I want to see where I am, I want to open my eyes but I just can't. I'm scared, tired and aching.


Sam's POV

The missile came out of nowhere. We have no pin point on it's location of fire. All we know is that it was from Hydra. Bruce, Fury, Tony and I all got out before the building exploded. Steve and Bucky didn't make it out on time. Now they're both in comas in the lab at Stark Tower. Steve seems to be doing well, it looks like he's going to wake up soon but we're not sure about Bucky. Tony discovered huge brain and head injuries while scanning him and a numerous amount of broken bones. He's on life support at the moment as one of his lungs was also punctured. I hope, for Steve's sake, that he makes it out of this.


Steve's POV

I woke up a few days ago, Bucky is still in a coma. It's my fault, I'm the one who brought him into all this madness. Maybe I should've just let him be? But I couldn't just leave him all alone and I couldn't beat to lose him again. I fear that I will though.

"Hey dude, do you want anything to eat or drink?" Sam said poking his head through the open door.

"Nah I'm alright. Thanks Sam." I said back to him with a sad smile.

He nodded and left the room. He'd often check up on me to make sure I was doing alright since I hadn't left Bucky's side since I'd woken up. Nothing had changed about him, but I did notice that he wasn't on life support anymore which is a sure sign that he's improving. I looked at him, his figure looked so lifeless and fragile. His chest was rising ever so slowly and slightly. He had a huge bandage wrapped around his head and you could see blood seeping it's way through. Tony said that he's suffered severe brain injuries. God I hope that doesn't make him more memoryless than he already is. That is, if he wakes up.

"I'm sorry Buck, this is my fault." I said to him, looking down at my hands.

I was told that people in comas can hear things like people talking to them. I felt like an idiot but I had to say something to him.

"I never should've decided to do that train mission back in 45. Then you wouldn't have fallen and we wouldn't be in this mess seventy years later. I'm so, so sorry Buck. I didn't mean for this all to happen. You've been through so much already. You don't deserve this, you don't deserve any of this."

I looked back up at him as I spoke as if I was expecting him to have changed. But he was still the same; lifeless. I pulled myself out of my chair and left the room, walking to my temporary bedroom. I sat on the edge of the bed and studied some photos that I had of me, Jayne and Bucky. I also had one of Peggy in my compass. I'm so glad she lived a life and wasn't caught in all this mess. I hope she knows how much I love her.


I can hear someone speaking to me, it's someone I know. Why the hell can't I see them? Why can't I open my eyes? They keep saying sorry to me. I want to open my eyes and tell them it's ok but I can't! Where am I? What am I doing? What's wrong with me!?

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