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"Everyone, say goodbye to ( y

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"Everyone, say goodbye to ( y. n )!"

As Ray stared into the cold ground with hard expression and his fist shaking slightly, you on the other hand started sniffing as you smiled. The children cried with you as well, seeing you already dressed nicely in the new uniform of a new school. One by one they came running to you, hugging your legs, making you sob and knelt down to hug them.

"I'm gonna miss you all so much!" You said pinching Ivet's cheeks. "Promise us you'll visit everyday?" Shelly sniffed, making you pulled away and smiled nervously, scratching the back of your neck. "I couldn't say everyday..." You hesitated, and your response made them frown even more.

You slightly panicked and waved your hands frantically, "Every month then!! I'll write letters to you all every month!" The kids weren't completely satisfied but they went along with it.

Mark walked forward to you with a frown, twiddling with his fingers. "If you're gone then... t-then, who's going to read us bed time stories?" He sulked. Thoma nodded and marched to the front, dragging his best friend, Lannion with him as well. "Who's gonna play cool songs while we play soccer as well!" They complaint.

You laughed and glanced at the five kids behind them. "Your other brothers and sisters will," you said, cupping his cheek to caress it gently with your thumb.

"Norman and Emma will read you bed time stories, Ray and Gilda will be able to teach you a lot of stuffs too!" You grinned, "And Don will take you all to the best adventures. You'll be fine without me, I won't be completely gone as well, y'know."

You heard a certain someone cleared her throat, making you turned back to see Miss Isabella smiling at you sadly, showing her clock to you.

You sighed with a smile, before giving them all "I love you"s, kissing their foreheads, before standing up.

"( y. n )..." Emma choked up as she almost cried, trying to reach for you. You frowned seeing your best friend stood there in terrible state. You sucked it up before looking at Mama with a 'wait a second please, sorry!' expression, and ran up to her to hug her tightly.

"Emma...!" You choked up, letting a tear escaped from your eye. "I love you," you whispered to her, making her body shook even more as she tried to stop herself from crying to loud.

You pulled away from her and gave her a grin. 'Be strong,' you mouthed to her, 'The kids need you.' Emma looked at you before nodding slightly.

You glanced at Ray, seeing him adverting his eyes from you making you frown a bit. You went over to Norman, Gilda and Don to bid your goodbyes to them, and as you were left with Ray, you hesitated.

"Ray..." You mumbled to yourself.

' I don't want to regret anymore. '

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