Chapter 7

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--------------- Keira’s p.o.v. ----------------

I pulled into the parking lot and slammed my door shut. I went immediately to the bathroom and ignored all the sympathetic looks that people gave me. I cleaned my face up and I looked good as knew. . . .

If I could only do that with my heart . . .

I walked ou tof the bathroom and I was immediately covered by two strong, tan arms. The hugged me tightly and I struggled to breath, “Okay, people breathe!”

The guy let go of me and I was surprised at who it was. Chad.

“Chad! What are . . . ? I mean . . . . Why are you . . . ? What are you doing here?”I asked confused.

He smiled, flashing me his pearly whites and then wrapped his hands around my shoulders, “What? Can’t a guy be concerned about his girlfriends best friend? Especailly when her best friend is as hot and sweet as you!”

Chad winked at me and I smiled punching him softly. “Shut up. You were worried about me?”

I nodded and then I smiled, “Aww, thanks, but I’m fine. At least, I hope I am.”

He turned my face up towards him, and stared at me. I could feel like he knew that I was lying, but he couldn’t. “You sure?”

Chad had those beautiful, captivating blue eyes, and he flashed them at me. He was irresistable, and he was Mary’s, and she was lucky and he was now, off limits.

God, what a world we live in!

“Yeah, I’m sure. . . .” I lied.

“Was it Peter?!” Chad suddenly burst out of nowhere.

I looked up at him, surprised, “How. . . You know Peter?”

Chad nodded, “Yeah, I used to be his best friend. But he fucked it up and yeah. But, I know him, and I don’t want him to hurt you! So,  is it Peter?”

I smiled and then suddenly, I actually felt bad for Peter. As pissed as I was at him, I couldn’t rat him out and I sure as hell couldn’t let him get beat up . . . . . cause then I’d have to save him! “No, it’s not Peter. I won’t see my mom, cause she is on vacation, and I’m gonna miss her. Henry’s going on a business trip, so I guess it’s that I’ll miss them for two weeks.”

It wasn’t a total lie, my mom and Henry really were going to be away, it just wasn’t the real problem. I wasn’t one to hold a grudge, but Henry really did it, and Peter, well, what he did is going to need a whole lot more than a simple sorry. . . .

Chad smiled and then reluctanty left my side to go to Mary when she walked in.

I walked to my lockers and suddenly I heard a painfilled voice, a voice that brought pain to me. I stiffened and tried hard to ignore it, even though I knew that there was going to have to be words. . . .

------------ unknown p.o.v. ------------

Keira is home alone? For two weeks? A perfect time for me to execute my plan.

God, I needed to touch Keira’s skin, and she was the only way to get to Peter! He fucked up my life and now, he’s going to pay . . . . and Keira will be only part of the payment, if not all of it. . . . . .

I was so attracted to her, and she was so tempting, and fucking hott!

I don’t think that I could bare the wait for the sweet taste of retribution.

It was only a matter of time, and the time was growing thin, extremely thin. . .

----------- Keira’s p.o.v. ---------------------

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