A Easter Special

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Flug POV

It was Sunday morning, the day of Easter I was so excited. Blackhat was sleeping soundly, well not for long because I jumped on him and he woke up with a scratch. He gave me a shocked/ what the hell was that for look. I laughed and kissed him on the lips, I pulled away and said " happy Easter Jefaceto"!!!!!!!!!!!!. He tilted his head and gave me a puzzled look, " what is Easter?" he asked me sounding confused. I stared at him for a moment and then thought, ( oh I forgot they don't have the same holidays as us, well figures they don't have this one. They are demons after all). I was brought back into reality from Blackhat nudging me, he looked at me and asked once again " Flug what is Easter?". I looked at him and smiled, " Easter is a human holiday it celebrates the lord rising from the dead and ascending into heaven". He rolled his eyes and muttered something about that, that was a lossy reason to wake him up and should have let him sleep. I laughed and rolled my eyes, as I gut up from bed. I walked up to Blackhat and gave him a kiss, and said "can we all go out to eat, its a vary impotent holiday to us humans?". Blackhat looked at me and sighed " fine but I'm only doing this because of you, we demons don't do this sort of thing". I smiled and gave him a hug, " I love you Blackhat". He blushed and mumbled " love you to". We got dressed up and went to a fancy restaurant we were there for a few hours and then we went back to the mansion. It was late when we got back and we all had fun, it was time to go to bed. me and Blackhat got into are pajamas and through are self's onto the bed. I passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Authors nots

Hello everyone I hope you all like the special it's short but this is all I have time for today part three to a vacation will be coming out soon I promise. But other then that I hope you all have a fantastic Sunday. AUTHOR OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

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