YouTube: David Dobrik

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The video attracted a lot of attention, mostly because of the tumb nail.

Sandy was sat upon Zane's shoulders, who was obviously drunk, and she was leaning down in front of his face, giving it the allusion as if they were kissing.

And in all honesty, David didn't exactly know if they had actually kissed or not.

The vlog began with Zane and Heath sat on a couch, hands covering their eyes. You could hear David say,

"Three, two, one."

After he said one, they removed their hands from their eyes and their eyes got wide.

The video then cut to the iconic David Dobrik into.

The video went on from David explaining that he had a surprise for his friends.

He introduced Sandy and explained a bit about who she was and then the fun began.

It was quite a few of his friends that they suprised but that all passed by really quickly. It was mostly hugs and shook faces.

Once Sandy had met everyone, David told her he had a surprise for her.

Then he told her they were having a party to celebrate her moving to L.A.

The vlog had videos of everyone dancing, a few bits and then came where they got the thumb nail.

David turned the camera quickly, not knowing why Sandy was sat upon Zane's shoulders.

When he asked Matt why they were doing that he just said it was for a picture.

So naturally, David came up with an idea.

He didn't exactly tell them what to do, he just ran up and yelled


And that's when they may or may not have kissed.

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