Chapter One

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Ciel took my hand in a firm grip. It was something he did when he was uncertain about something. It was usually signaling he was uneasy about something involving me. Even though I am a demon like him, he still feels the need to protect me like I was human again. I haven't been human since 1889. I wonder what has him scared. I looked at Ciel and followed his gaze to the building. I remembered the building. It was the one I fought him in. I couldn't believe it was still here.

"Makes me wonder if mine is still around," Ciel said. Although we gave up most of our material possessions, keeping a couple of trunks full of clothes and another for shared possessions, there are a few we hold dear. One was a picture of Lizzie and another of Madame Red we had from when we were human, the black and pink dress I received after Ciel's "death",  and a necklace Ciel got me as an engagement gift.

"Would you like to see? True the people who once inhabited it are gone, but it would be nice to see the Phantomhive Manor again," I said with a smile, trying to ease Ciel's nerves.

I knew he was remembering this manor. I was wearing the dress and fighting a demon. Grell was making a royal mess of things. I smiled at the memory while Ciel's face remained expressionless. I gave his hand a squeeze to jolt him back to reality.

Ciel looked at me with those eyes again. "Come on, let's go." He spun me around, bringing me closer to him. I fought the giggle when his other hand bought me in front of him while the other was still holding onto my hand. He knew it was sensitive around my hips.

A tall, slender man was waiting for us. He had jet black hair and the same colored eyes as Ciel and I. I once knew him as Ciel's buter. Then, he was the demon, I was contracted with. Now, he was our protector and guardian. After all, he was still bound to Ciel.

"Sebastian, do you remember where the manor was?" Ciel asked before I could. Ciel no longer gave orders like his life depended on it. Now, it was like talking to an uncle or something.

"Yes, my lord," Sebastian said as he bowed.

I looked at him, wanting to say something like all the other timesbefore, but couldn't. Instead, I got into the car before Ciel with a sigh. Ciel climbed in after me and grabbed my hand as soon as he sat down. I looked at him, what I was thinking was written in my eyes. Ciel gave me a reassuring smile before leaning to my lips and kissing me.

I leaned further to him, getting as close as I could. Ciel took an arm around me, pulling me even closer. When our lips parted, I hugged him, thanking him without words. After being together for over a hundred years, Ciel and I don't need words as often. He and I just know by touch.

Sebastian drove us to the old manor. Surprisingly, there were still roads leading to the manor. I even saw the road that once lead to Alois Trancy's estate. I felt my muscles tense. As many times as Ciel and I have been back to London, we haven't been back here for a reason. I felt myself grip Ciel's hand tighter, my mind reeling.

"It will be alright, Selena," Ciel said as he looked to me, bringing my face to his. "We aren't going there ever again, I promise." Ciel lightly kisses my forehead. It was our version of a pinkie swear.

I nodded to him, still uncertain.

Ciel gave me a lazy smile. "Look out the window," he whispered.

I turned around, seeing the overgrown grass and weeds, and the vines that over-grew on the outside walls of the once prominent manor. I stared at it in awe. My memories made it look like what it did before Ciel left it. It was still Ciel's manor in my eyes. I turned back to Ciel, catching Sebastian's eyes looking back at me.

"It hardly looks the same as I remembered it."

Ciel looked at it. "I know. Hard to believe it was mine over a hundred years ago."

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