part: 5 the truth

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As me and kacchan walk to my mom's house I feel nervous this is gonna take alot of guts to come out to my mom...

**They arrive and knock on the door his mom answers **

~Inko ( dekus mom) ~ " why hello izuku oh and hello there bakugou!! Please come in 🙂"

~ deku ~ " mom I'm here to tell u a few things.. don't be mad.."

~Inko~ "why would I 😊 "

~Deku~ " mom...... I'm gay and I'm dateing kacchan and I have been for a year now..."

~Inko~ " REALLY!! THATS AMAZING 😃 anything else u wanna tell me????"

~Deku~ " not how I expected you to react but ok I'm also moving in with kacchan "

~Inko~ " better go get packing! "

~ Deku ~ " o- ok kacchan can you help me?? ☺️ "

~ bakugou ~ " sure deku 💚 "

** After moving everything into the empty room in bakugou's house **

~Deku~ " I'm so tired...... "

~ bakugou ~ " heh you look cute when your tired. we can go to your room and sleep you can cuddle me 😅 "

~ deku ~ " thanks kacchan... "

** Bakugou Carrie's deku to deku's room and they both sleep together **

** Bakugou Carrie's deku to deku's room and they both sleep together **

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**Later on bakugou wakes up and he has a text message from kirishima**

~bakugou~ " ughh... What time is it 1 am T^T hm? I have a text message from kirishima "

** He reads it **

** The message says hey bakugou I know it's late but can you meet me at the park it's important I need to tell you something **

** He texts back **

** Thanks for waking me up stupid and fine... 😒🙄 **

** Bakugou wakes up deku **

~ deku ~" ughhhh... Kacchan... Why did you wake me up... "

~ bakugou ~ " I'm sorry to wake you my sleeping beauty but I have to go out are you ok here on your own...? "

~ deku ~ " Kacchan it's 1 in the morning... Where are you going...?!??"

~ bakugou ~ " out someone wants me to meet up we know them well ok so will you be ok here..? "

~ deku ~ " fine but be back fast... Please...."

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