Chapter one

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- -7:40(one hour before everything happened)- -

   It started out like a normal morning, Kate and her former boyfriend Javier we're making breakfast while the kids slept. Both kids, names Gabríel and Maríana, shared a room because they lived in a two-bedroom apartment. Once breakfast was ready, Kate heads down to their room and walked in without knocking and threw open the curtains. Both groaned and Maríana sat up but Gabríel rolled over to face the wall. Kate gently shook him and said, "Gabe c'mon you have to eat breakfast before it gets cold." She then walked out and strolled over to her boyfriend, whom was drinking coffee and she kisses his cheek. He smiled and sets his drink down and gave her a REAL kiss. Gabe and Marí walked in and sat down and ate. Javi glanced over at the T.V saying that there was a virus going around around. He didn't think much of it and sat down and ate with the rest of them

- -8:00- -

There was traffic that morning so while they waited, they played a game. They were all talking in Spanish cause that was more fun for them. Javi guesses it right and they were all surprised and laughing. Kate looks out the windshield, "Why are there so many helicopters? That is three in the last 5 minutes" she says in disbelief. Javi looked ahead but before he could reply, a cop on a motorbike passed and took their rear view mirror off the car, smashing it onto the floor. "Hey!" Javi shouts, pissed off. "He just gonna keep going?" Marí asked. Javi opened the door. "Javi be careful" Gabe says worriedly. Javi picked up the mirror and a man gets out of his car halfway. "Hey! You alright?" He asked in Spanish. "Yeah I'm alright thanks. You know what's going on thought?" Javi replies in Spanish. "Nope I don't," "Shits crazy.." Javi said. As Javi was going back to the van, some explosion happened a mile or two away from them and people started running the opposite way. "Javi?" Kate called out worriedly. Javi got back into the drivers(?) seat and shut the door as an officer on a motorbike went up to the window. "Remain with your fa-" he was cut off by getting ran over by a white semi truck and didn't stop. It just kept going. He stepped on the gas pedal, following the semi truck. "W-What are you doing!?" Gabe exclaimed in terror. "This is our only way outta this!" Javi shouts. The truck soon collided with another truck and Javi swerved the van so he didn't crash into the trucks. "JAVI LOOK OUT!" Kate shouted and the minutes Javi looked, another car crashed into the van. Javi rests his hand on his forehead and looked at Kate "Are you Okay?" He asked. She nodded and he looked back at Gabe and Marí. "Are you two Okay?" He asked and they both nodded. "Alright everyone out of the van" Javi says and gets out and opened the door to let Maríana out. As they all got out, they looked around them. A lot of things were happening at once. Like people running and screaming and a snarl came from a few people. They went on the lookout for another working vehicle. "Get to that rv!" Javi says and they run over to the rv. Maríana then drops her headphones "NO MY HEADPHONES!" She exclaimed and Javi picked it up and saw that some man gets.... bit? Someone just tackled him to the ground.

1........ 2........

   The man was on the ground, groaning..

3........ 4....... 5......

   He soon started to have what looked like a seizure but Javi had to stick with his family and couldn't go to help

6....... 7....... 8...... 9.....

    He was still on the ground moving around like crazy

10...... 11...... 12!

    He stood up and looked over at his family and he smashed his face into their window, causing them to scream and cry in terror. Javi looked around to see the same thing happening to everyone. Javi ran back to the rv and jumped in and as he does, one of those.. things smashed their head into Kate's window, causing Maríana and Gabe to scream. Kate screamed to and used all her might to literally kick him out. He fell out and landed onto the floor and stayed there. Kate sits down and one tried going through Javi's side but Javi swerves it so his side was collided with a semi truck and scraped it off. They drove away, those things following behind and biting everyone in their path. But thankfully they lost them

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