Chapter two

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- -9:30- -

   When Javi saw that they weren't being followed, he pulled over onto the side of the road and turned to and got up and walked over to them. Maríana and Gabe were both scared and Kate was trying to comfort them. He then gets a phone call "It's from Ava" Kate says, handing him the phone. Ava was a good friend of the family that he and his brother worked with. He answered it. "Where are you?" Javi asked, sorta pissed she wasn't there to help them. "Airborne. Lower east side. Turtle Bay in New York City. We barely made it out... how close were you?" she asked. "Face to face..." Javi sighed. "Alright. We'll try sending a helicopter to you and the others. Where are you heading?" "Heading towards New Jersey" he said. "Okay. Could you wait an hour?" She asked. "Do we have a choice?" He sighed again. "This is not for old time sake, Javi. I need you. I need you to help with what this could be" she says. "Don't forget about us.." he said. "Be safe, Javier.." she says then hung up. Javi sets his phone down and looked at Kate, Gabe, and Marí. Kate was still comforting Gabe and Marí got into something and she took out a rifle and turned to Javi. "Javi look" she says and Javi quickly took it from her and checked to see if it had bullets. It did which was good. Javi goes back to the drivers seat. "We need to get to the nearest supermarket to get food and drinks alright?" He says turning to Kate. Kate nods and Javi drove off. They finally make it to the supermarket and they jumped out, Javi getting the rifle and they run in. "Me and Marí will get food!" Kate says and grabs Marí's hand and ran off to get food and Javi and Gabe went to find drinks. Gabe and Javi grabbed a basket and puts whatever drinks they find in them. There was soon a scream coming from Maríana. Gabe and Javi ran the direction of the scream "MARÍ!!" Gabe screamed. "MARÍANA!" Javi exclaimed. "Javi!!!" Marí panicked and ran to them and ran into Javi's arms. "Kate! Where's Kate!?" Javi exclaimed. Then they hear Kate screaming and they all ran that direction. "GET OFF ME!!" Kate shouted. Javi turned to see two 30 or 40 year old men trying to rape Kate. "Hey! HEY!!" Javi shouts, waving his arms around. The two men get off her and one aimed his gun at Javi but misses and Javi shoots them both. Kate got up and ran right into his arms, nearly crying. They all ran out the store and the rv wasn't there. "Goddammit!" Javi shouted. Kate looked over to see apartment buildings "Javi! The apartments!" She says and they all ran there. As they ran, one of them fell off the roof and onto a car and it was still twitching. They make it in and Kate slides something through the handles so non could get in. The all hurry up the staircase. They soon started to bang on the door and Javi, Kate, Gabe, and Marí ran faster up the steps. As they make it to the 18th floor and they were all out of breath. Gabe looked up and didn't see Marí "Uh... guys?... where's Marí...?" He asked. "Son of a- MARÍ!" Kate shouts and they ran to find her. They soon see her in front of a room. "Please let us in!" She begged in Spanish. Kate ran to her and saw that it was a Spanish family and they let them in and shuts the door behind them. Kate, Marí, and Gabe sit on the couch and Javi sat on the floor. Then the little boy came over with two juice boxes and two beers. He hands the juice boxes to Marí and Gabe and the beers to Kate and Javi. Javi thanks him and the boy nods and goes back to who look like his siblings by how young they are. Little time had past and all the kids were asleep including Kate. Javi stood up and walked over to the two older kids whom were doing dishes. He started to chat with them and got to know them. The girl and boy are the little kid's older sister and brother. Their names are Sapphire and Hiccup. Their little brother's name is Edward. They chatted for a while until Javi got tired himself.

- -at dawn- -

  Sapphire and Hiccup moved their dresser and opened the door and lets Kate, Javi, Marí, and Gabe out. They all jogged out. When mark took another step, the floor made a creaking sound and they heard snarling in the distance. Kate pushed Marí and Gabe in front of her and Javi pulled the rifle out and they kept going.

- -with Sapphire, Hiccup, & Edward- -

Hiccup was trying to barricade the door again the second they left. "Are you sure they'll be alright?" Sapphire asked in Spanish. "Yea. I'm sure they'll be fi-" He was cut off with banging and loud snarling and groaning on the other side

- -back with Javi and the others- -

Javi and the others were now running up the steps, followed by loud screeching, snarling and loud footsteps. Javi was behind them and shooting all that were behind them. They make it to the roof and the helicopter was there and men came down to get them. Javi saw Edward and grabs him and kept him close. Then he saw Edward's, now dead, brother and sister. Javi couldn't do it in front of him so he picked him up and ran out the door and sets him down and tried barricading the door. Edward ran to the helicopter and Kate helped him up. Kate looked over and saw Javi running to the edge of the building, looking like he is going to jump. Kate started to scream his name and tried running to him but one of the men were holding her back. Javi started counting "9...... 10...... 11...... 12.." he panted heavily and got off the edge and turned to Kate "It got in my mouth.." he says. She nods, panting heavily "You're okay you're okay.." she says and Javi ran to the helicopter and jumped in and they took off. Kate sat down and wrapped her arms around Gabe and Marí. Javi looked down at the rooftop to see the door busting open and Edward's dead siblings running out and watching them go. Edward looked away and Kate brought him in for a hug. Javi sighs.

Twdg season 3 World War Z auOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora