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We are in a age before stars, planets, moons, tides or trees there was nothing but the Old Gods: Tera, Shu, Vind, Krag and Lavi.

Each one of these deities was responsible for one element:Tera was the goddess of the ground, the rocks, the metals and the mountains; Shu was the god of the tides, the seas, the rivers and ponds; Vind was the goddess of the wind and the breeze; Krag, the god of energy, heat, fire and the stars; Lavi was different he didn't possess the power of one single element but maybe of something even more powerful, as he was the God of LIFE.

This god's massive power had a drawback though, sure he could create magnificent things when he used his powers but those things would always eventualy disapear...Something was born, it would grow and it would die. The god of life was always devastated because none of his creations lasted as long as the ones created by the other celestial beings but something was about to change...

In dark, empty andremote part of the multiverse a dark power grew every time one of Lavi'screations died. This power seemed to be a build up of all the life energy now without a host. Over a period of several bilions of years this dark power continued to grow until something finally changed... A shape emerged, she was similar to the gods in appearance and in power.

Some time later this strange figure found the gods. They rejected her, seeing her as nothing but a mistake, a lesser being due to the fact that the shape could not create anything of value, only destroy and ruin. They called her "Halia".

Hurt by the words and actions of the gods, Halia decided to retreat to the dark dimension from where she had came. She stayed in isolation for thousands of years until Lavi came looking for her, he had seen the mistakes in his way of being. Halia forgave him and slowly they became close, they developed a relationship not a romatic one but one of brotherhood.

Wherever the god of life went, Halia followed. She did it so she could learn how to control and improve her powers. A few years passed and Halia could now create things, she could morph the life energy she received from the multiverse into dark, indestructible crystals.

Every millenium Lavi and Halia would try to arrange a meeting with the Old Gods but they would always decline the offer saying they could never be friends with something as wrong and impure as her.

Halia had had it ,she was done, in a flurry of rage she decided to declare war to the elemental gods. When Lavi saw his best friend corrupted by this anger and darkness he decided to leave her, due to the fear he had of being corrupted too. This only increased Halia's rage, she no longer had 4 enemies, she had 5.

It was a long and arduous war and one where she would always come out on top. The 5 elementals found themselves hurt and defeated. Nothing they tried seem to work until Krag, the wisest of them all, sugested the idea of unlocking a power greater than all of them, a "Xogoshin" a fusion of the 5 celestial beings. Without a choice the gods united, the union created a huge explosion that spread their powers throughout the whole multiverse.

Tera, Shu, Krag, Vind e Lavi no longer were 5 separate beings, they were one, 5 minds now in perfect synchrony.

They moved towards Halia to give her one more chance to yield.

Halia gasped when she felt the power emanating from that gigantic being...She didnt feel scared though, the only thing she was able to feel at the moment was hatred towards the gods...

Halia stood her ground and Krag took that as a non-verbal "If you want to kill me, come get me" so he opens the battle with a powerfull lightning bolt which Halia dodges gracefully, soon she starts conjuring a rain of dark crystals every single one of them sharper than a knife. This seemed like the end of the road for the gods but sudently, out of the goliath's left arm a round shape with bark like appearence starts growing, it was thick enough to block every single crystal that hit it. A feelling of arrongance was felt among the gods when Halia let out a suprised look. Quickly a counter-attack ensued, a drop of water in the giant's right arm turned into a puddle which quickly shapeshifted into a stream with the same power of a gigantic river, it was Shu's time to play, the attack is sucessful but our Vilain was still not out for the count... She started to create clones of herself, every single one of our heros was suprised, they had never seen her doing something like that. Shortly,

there were thousands of clones every single one exactly like Halia and since they were all also the same person they all attacked in an extremely coordinated and lethal way...The Xogoshin's rocky skin was starting to get punctured, with every blow hurting a little bit more....

-We have to make a move...- spoke Lavi in an agonized voice.

-I have an idea...-said Krag- Vind, follow my lead...

A ball of pure energy starts appearing at the center of the mighty beast, shortly after a a strong wind current starts engulfing it...A few seconds pass and the build up of energy finally bursts creating a schorching wave of air that pushes and incinerates all of the clones, but one, Halia.

The sole survivor was severely burned and injured but she was still alive. Slowly she starts the short but extremely painful journey to getting up.

-Stand down!!- Tera screams - We don't want to hurt you futher....

As if to answer a feminine voice is heard behind the Omnipotent Titan:

-You might not want to hurt me but, I wanna see you die!

Suddenly a unfamiliar cold sensation is felt in the chest of the mighty Xogoshin, when they look down the deities can only see a dark prismatic shape impaled into their chest, it was surrounded by several multicolored fluids, their blood...

In a last dying effort the, once upon a time immortal, gods turn around to face their killer, it was Halia.

The Halia lying on the floor was only a decoy created by the real one at the last possible moment, the trap had work and now the once shapeless mountain of life essence was now a Goddess, The Goddess of Death.

But at the end of the this confrontation between Good and Evil, of the 5 gods the only thing left were colorful dusts, every single one containing the key to the power of one of the gods. They were extremely dangerous and impossible to be handled by any living being not directly connected to the gods.

Sure, Halia won but she had to recover from her injuries; to create clones the goddess of death had to literally rip out parts of herself, parts that burned up in the battle. To recover she decided to enter a deep sleep for billions of years.

When she woke up, she immediately noticed that the everything around her had changed, there were now stars and planets some of which actually showed signs of intelligent life.

Halia was now a goddess, yes, but she felt herself getting weaker, the battle had caused to many damages, she now had to find someone that could eventually take her place.

The goddess of death searched far and wide, throughout the entire multiverse for someone or something that could come close to face her but no civilization was home to a being with a power comparable to her own. She eventually came across a largely blue planet with a few spots of green, it was Earth. This planet was home to a klutzy species that looked like her, they were barbaric, jealous and violent animals but they had an elegant look, they were smart and didn't stop evolving. This species like all the previous ones had some powerful individuals but none came close to her power, still Halia was impressed by those beings and instead of trying to find a god she decided to create one with the body of a human.

Stuck on this idea, Halia now had to find a way to create a being with a power of those proportions. She tried and tried but everything she came up with was too weak, not even strong enough to dare to fight her. This went on for a while until she had an epiphany.

-The dusts!!- she excitedly said to herself...

Halia used the colorful dusts that Tera, Shu, Vind, Krag and Lavi left upon dying. But she could only use a small part of each one since no soul, artificial or not, could withstand the full power of 5 of the most powerful beings in existence.

The result was something extremely powerful, enough to make even Halia woried. She had done it, she had created an all powerful soul, now she just needed to intrust it to a human baby, the chosen one was Richard Grim.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2019 ⏰

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