Author's Note

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Hi there, and welcome to Black Flies!

I started working on this story early September in 2018 as an AU for my original characters. I wanted to delve into a more fantasy-type realm as I'm not the biggest fan of the genre, but one thing tells me I needed to start somewhere- I have a hidden obsession with werewolves. And no, I'm not Team Jacob. I've never actually seen Twilight nor read the books. I just really like lycanthropes.

Turns out this alternate universe was one I fell in love with fast. My characters' new personalities and situations became unforgettable in my head near the ending of the first chapter and I couldn't leave myself hanging with a mere one-shot. Thus Black Flies was born into the story that it is now, and I'm happy to say the sequel is now in the works!

You'll also notice I took the title and chapter names (in lyrical order) from one of my favorite singers, Ben Howard. My love for music is even more grand as my love for writing and I can't write without taking inspiration from songwriters more talented than me. I think Howard's song 'Black Flies' is an excellent soundtrack to the depth and mystery behind this little novel, and if you get the chance to hear the song I believe you'd understand where I'm coming from.

Alas, enjoy the story as it is. It's the first writing I have been brave enough to publish, and although I have many finished drafts and writings, I think it's a good place to start. It bleeds who I am, even if I find after every full moon I still haven't turned into a wolf myself.


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