Yates part 3

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Erin's pov: when I found the note I left it where it was and gone and grabbed the little girl to make sure she is okay and bring her to my car when I brought her to my car back up just showed up I handed the little girl to a paramedic and I show the cops where the dead body is and I ask for a evidence bag to put the note in and I walked back to my car and drive to the svu station. Once I get back Olivia told me and Dawson to head back to Chicago because they figure Yates would head back to Chicago and said our flight leaves in a couple. So we left for the airport we caught a red eye and got to Chicago early in the morning so we both went home to sleep for a couple hours and then we went to the district. To go over the details that we found in New York with everybody else

AD= Greg yates escaped custody last night in upstate New York last night after killing two state troopers, two CON- electric works and a camper and shooting sergeant Dodds. Dodds Will make a full recovery thank god
J= Pennsylvania troopers found a pick up truck abandoned on a state road state forensics lifted Yates' prints and a motorist there ID Yates as pretending to have car trouble and knocking him out to take his car
AD= he repeated the pattern in Ohio and Indiana. The last vehicle brought him to the Illinois border crime labs confirms Yates' prints but there's no leads after that
HV= yeah except one Erin the reason Yates is here
E= no he's just trying to get in our heads. We put out a bolo investigative and Amber alert on his vehicle. Trooper are watching every highway coming into Chicago
AD= New York svu is questioning carol Rudnick The guy Yates escaped with who's back in custody. Lieutenant benson will be in touch when they have anything to report
HV= well till then I want us on every transit hotel,shelter, food bank in the city remember this guy that killed or maim to get what he wants and flag the credit card of the vehicle owners see if there was a safe haven use last time he was here. now let's get on it
( jay walks over to Erin )
J= how's your knee
E= it's okay... I'm fine
J= all right I'm gonna run with the car jack quick to see if he grabbed any phones
E= okay thanks
( once jay walked away hank speak up)
HV= Erin and Antonio come on in here

Jay's pov: once I learned that Yates escape prison I was mad but then I was more mad when I learned he left a note for her I was more pissed because he likes to play with her head all the time and I wish more that I got to go to New York with her but hanks made the decision so it is what it is.I just hope she doesn't go down a dark hole again like last time but at least I will be here for her

( Inside Hanks office)

OB= So Rudnick Said that Yates be friended a guard who slipped him contraband phones we found this in his cell ( she holds up a evidence bag) hey search triangulating a Chicago neighborhood. I'm texting you a screenshot that was recovered
HV= you got it
AD= South loop around 16th and Indiana
HV= ( to Erin) that's near your apartment
E= it doesn't mean anything
HV= Erin
( platt knocks on Hank's door)
P= Hank and Women just made notification of a triple homicide all in one apartment a fourth women hanging  on All female all nurse  this sounds like your guy
OB= finn and I are on the next flight
HV= ( to Erin) you ride with me

After platt told them about the victims they found hank, Antonio and Erin left and hank told everyone else to get to this address as soon at possible

KB= A meter reader called it in he not in the door pushed open to this best we can figure the first victim open the door he pushed her in and knocked her down
HV= hmm what is this
KB= pieces of scalp covered with partial hair so he must have dragged her in, there is multiple dents in the floor where he slam hurt into it
J= roommate was in the shower
KB= tub we think the first victim throw a vase to warn  her friend But was too late. She must have heard her friend get out of the tub and locked the door
O= Hank you're gonna wanna see this
HV= yours( to jay) come on ( to Erin)
KB= he broke the door down slammed her  in several places . There is defensive  bruising on her arms. Multiple Lacerations on her knuckles she put up a good fight
J= it's still warm
( with hank and Erin)
SR= The roommate  on her way to med. this one must not have heard anything downstairs back doors open we think he heard the meter reader and bolted before he could finish off the roommate.
AR= so thing is boss uh all the purses were emptied all the jewelry boxes were going through
HV= well that's not his MO
O= well there's more than that that's not him either. No victims show any sign of sexual assault
E= it's nurses it's blunt force trauma this is Yates
HV= well this cut is neat Precise  like a doctor would do she might be right. Well what's happening on the third floor
SR= it's clear no signs of foul play in the tenant Nellie Carr she isn't there
O= well maybe she heard or seen something
HV= well we got a find it let's get in all call message going for this Nellie Carr. Roman get a list of what's missing every item and someone get me a print that can put Yates her
KA= me and Halstead Should probably follow the ambo see if the victim comes out that we can ID
E= i'll go with you
HV= no you and I are heading back to the 21st we're gonna find third-floor tenant
E= you're benching me
HV= i'm keeping you safe
E= we just left a scene with three dead nurses I am not the one you need to worry about
HV=Erin he is baiting you
E= no he's not. He's using me to get under your skin and it's working
HV= you make one mistake with Yates you're dead you get that
E= if he wanted me he would've had me in upstate New York
HV= well he's not getting a second chance
( Erin's phones rings)
E= it's Bunny she's back from Reno kicked husband number five to the curb
HV= what'd she want more money
E= I don't know what she wants hank if I'm bait let me be bait  I can draw him and let me do my job
HV= get in the car

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