One: The Last Year

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"Felix, finish up! You're going to miss the train!" My mum yelled up the stairs. I scrambled to close my trunk and finish getting dressed. It was the beginning of my final year at Hogwarts and Mum did not want me to halfway complete it or ditch it, like Fred and George did to open their joke shop. I apparated down the stairs, having passed the test last year, and appeared next to Mum. She jumped with a start and slapped the back of my head playfully. "Felix, you're going to give me heart attack someday!" She exclaimed half jokingly. I smiled and walked out to the Ministry cars that my father had gotten for my siblings, Hermione and Harry. We all squeezed in and made our way to Kings Cross Station.

We arrived and we all casually leaned through the barrier to Platform 9 3/4. I bid goodbye to mum and hugged her tight, before turning towards the Hogwarts Express. I made my way onto the train and sat down in a compartment where Katie Bell was sitting, reading one of the textbooks. She smiled and waved at me. "How was your holiday, Felix?" She asked closing the book, obviously relieved she could put it down. I halfheartedly shrugged. "Decent, considering You-Know-Who is back." I replied. Katie nodded in agreement. We were silent for a bit before she started another conversation. "Are you going to try out for the Quidditch team this year? I heard Harry's the captain." She mentioned, trying to convince me. I just shrugged again. Katie rolled her eyes and elbowed me playfully. "You're not half bad at Quidditch, you know." She stated. I blushed at little. "Thanks, but it's not really my thing. Just like being a prefect isn't my thing." I replied. All of my siblings had either been a star Quidditch player or prefect, maybe even a Head Boy. I was never selected for any sort of position. Mum was a bit disappointed, but she didn't blame me. She knew I had my own unique interests and hobbies that kept me busy. I was particularly interested in becoming a magizoologist, like Charlie. Hagrid was always happy to see me return to The Care Of Magical Creatures. I knew the Golden Trio had cut the class however after overhearing one of their conversations over the summer holiday.

Most of the train ride was talking or reading, changing into our robes near the end. Katie and I were good friends, being in the same year and her knowing quite a few of my brothers. She was relatively down to earth for a Quidditch player, not egotistical or having a superiority complex. Ron was insufferable when talking about Quidditch however. Harry was less annoying and wouldn't take as long, but it still got on my nerves most of the time whenever he was explaining in detail some match-winning move. The train came to a stop and the two of us hopped off and onto the platform in Hogsmeade. We grabbed our trunks and dragged them to the horseless carriages, which I had recently been informed were actually pulled by thestrals after Luna Lovegood brought it up in Dumbledore's Army the year before. I couldn't see them but I was fascinated by them. Katie and I joined a group of Hufflepuffs, then rode up to the castle.

Katie and I split once we reached the table in the Great Hall, her going down to her other friends. I decided to sit next to Hermione, my long time crush. I'd fancied her since my third year. A few days after realizing, it became stronger when she had come to me for advice about Care Of Magical Creatures. We'd become somewhat good friends, her being one of Ron's best friends which gave us both an excuse to get to know each other better. She saw me sit down and smiled. "Felix, how was the train ride?" She asked as I sat down. We were very close in height but I was four inches taller, which had become a running joke. "The train ride was decent. How about you, Miss Prefect?" I replied. She laughed before replying. "Merlin's beard, it was as boring as ever!" She exclaimed. I smiled widely.

It was strangely long that I had been fancying Hermione since my third year. She had always interested me. She was a sweet bookworm, though studious she was fun to be around. I'd always kind of been in the background, but I didn't mind. I watched her become the amazing girl she was. In my opinion, she was the smartest and most beautiful witch I'd ever met. There was just one snag. I was transgender. I had surgeries to basically make me a normal teen boy, but the fact was I'd still been born a girl. Hermione didn't know that and what if she found out. I was slightly terrified of that.

The two of us talked a little more. She pointed out a new professor, Professor Slughorn, at the staff's table. He was a rotund man who was balding and seemed to be chatting up everyone. Apparently, he'd created the 'slug club' for his favorite students. Mostly, it consisted of the children of his former favorite students. I was not apart of it, but I didn't mind. It was full of spoiled brats anyway.

Harry was a little late, rushing in and sitting down. Apparently, Draco had stunned him and covered him in his invisibility cloak, with intentions of him being sent back to London. Luna had found him and the two had made their way up to the castle in the dark. Malfoy was a complete and total prick. I would call him much worse names, but it was not the time nor place. He believed he was all high and mighty because his family had 'pure blood', which I highly doubted. Allegedly, Draco had become a Death Eater, or at least that's what Ron told me. My brother was pretty good at embellishing.

In Dumbledore's beginning of term speech, he revealed that Slughorn was in fact the potions teacher, meaning Snape was teaching Defense Against The Dark Arts. There was murmuring and clapping from the Slytherin table. I groaned and rolled my eyes.

The feast had been as good as ever. There were new Gryffindors and I watched as the Head Boy, Ulysses Tash, tried to instruct all of them unsuccessfully, as they all were eagerly chatting about the sorting. I just sort of ambled up to the Gryffindor tower. It was nice to be back, but it was my last year in the tower. It was sort of a relief to be back. I sat in the common room for a while. Everyone was talking about their summer holiday and such. Slowly people started heading to bed, the first years going up the earliest. I just sat reading one of my books. Ron, Hermione and Harry were all talking as usual in their little circle. My eyes were drawn to Hermione.

In my eyes, she was beautiful. She wasn't the same person she was her first year. The first time I met her, she was rule abiding and would rather die than get into trouble. Now, she was a powerful and intelligent badass. Sure, she definitely held schoolwork as one of her big priorities, but otherwise she was surprisingly relaxed. She'd always been conscious of her looks, but I didn't know why she was like that. She'd grown very pretty. I sat on a couch, my eyes drifting between my book and her. Eventually, I became too tired and fell asleep slumped onto the couch.

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