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"You always gain
  by giving love."


Never in her life would she think that she would be alone again. Avia has been walking for days now. She trailed her shoes across the ground, limping.  Avia looked like a walker at this point. With her tired eyes and bloody tank top along with her ripped military pants. The jacket tied around her waist had to be adjusted now and then due to her poor tying job.

The sun shone through the trees and their leaves, taking Avia back to the times she taught Delilah the different names of the trees. To how happy she was. She never noticed how she felt while she was with a group which consisted of her mother, Delilah and this other boy. Once adding in a woman and her sister, but quickly leaving after deciding that they'd rather be alone. She'd usually accept people's decisions, but Avia felt lost without them. The first friend she had in years that was the same gender as her who could relate to everything with Avi, left.

That's when everything sunk in. She'll never see then again. Unless she's lucky.

The sun felt nice on her skin, but too light for Avia to care. Her sleepless eyes darted around, looking for anything to eat. Maybe a bush with berries. Maybe an abandoned bag on the ground? She couldn't go on another day without food. God only knows what would happen.

At this point, she couldn't process anything. Her mouth stayed open due to the lack of sleep Avia got, she could care less about closing it.

She stopped. Suddenly.

Right behind a few trees, she saw a school.

But how? It's in the middle of no where.

Avia quickly gained consciousness of what was happening. She changed her posture and closed her mouth, adjusting her guitar strap and her duffle bag. She retied her jacket so it wouldn't slip. Avia took some steps forward, trying not to limp. She just needed to lie down. Sit maybe.

Avia limped towards the gate, her posture quickly changed. She looked like a walker again, but with well adjusted gear.

"Walker!" Someone shouted. An arrow shot through and air, hitting her arm. She looked over at her left arm and cried out in pain. Avia looked up and saw a kid covering his mouth and rushing down the platform he was standing on.

She couldn't move her arm. Avia started to get dizzy. Before fainting, she saw a guy her age opening the gate and running out to check on her. Avi collapsed to the ground on her side, dropping everything she was carrying.

The ringing in her ears. It wouldn't go away. Usually it would all the other times she fainted. This time it was different.

It hurt her. Mentally. The ringing. It's what she feared the most. It made her feel weak. Now that it stayed for the whole time she was out, it hurt her even more.

It stopped. The ringing finally stopped after five minutes. Avia heard muffled voices and some pressure on her arm. She tried opening her eyes, but they wouldn't open. She could only move around her head, which felt like a boulder.  Heavy and hard to move.

The voices stopped and left her in a sleep-like state. But she felt awake. But she also felt at peace.

Avia moved a bit, but it was only her left leg that did. She finally relaxed, which felt like years since she ever had done that.

Her arm stung in waves of pain that she could handle. It wasn't as bad as she thought. At least they didn't chop off her arm.

At least they were careful and experienced.

She felt something wrap around her forehead, like a bandage. Did she hit her head too? She was too focused on her arm.

Her eyelids stayed closed, not letting her see what was going on. Maybe for the better. If she saw blood coming down from her head, Avia would probably scream. And maybe faint again.

Her eyelids finally opened. Avia jolted up and looked around. It was already dark, and no one was around. She was on a couch in a hallway, a few steps away from the stairs.

Avia heard a door open from one of the rooms.


That's the first chapter! I'm trying to write better, so if you see anything that doesn't make sense, I'm just trying my best.

Anyways, if you see anything typed incorrectly, it's because I'm not that good at English. Feel free to tell me what's wrong with my writing!

Thank you for reading chapter 1!

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