Chapter 1 - Savannah

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The first time Dean and Sam moved into the bunker they were happy to have some peace and quiet. But now the bunker is bustling with noisy teenagers, they wouldn't change it for the world. They don't mind the mess they leave when they've finished having breakfast. The lucky charms on the floor, the maple syrup on the table, the pastry crumbs on the chair. Or the fact they never get any sleep. Its either late night movie night, a screaming sleepover or comfort after a nightmare at 3 am. And when they go for a hunt to get away from it all, all they can think about is the pubescent nightmares they left at the bunker. They love them to bits. 

The first child that moved into the bunker was their little-half sister Savannah. It was weird when Mary first told them she was pregnant. But it was strange and slightly disturbing to hear that God was the Dad. The boys were worried, soon they started firing questions at Mary. She had to use her mom tone to shut them up. That's when the boys demanded she stayed in the bunker for her own safety. And to her dismay, Chuck agreed with the boy's decision. 

When Savannah was born, Sam tried to help the best he could. He tried to be like Dean. Changing dirty diapers, feeding her, all the jobs a mother should do. Mary had to take him to the side and lecture him, telling him to take a step back. Sam moped about for few days after that. It took Dean to take him on a hunt to get his happy Sammy back. 

The first two years of Savannah's life was just her, Mary, Chuck and the boys. They'd get the occasional visit from Crowley. Though when Crowley did come he seemed to be watching her intently. Like he was taking notes or something.

Her first steps were something that amazed the boys and Crowley. Her dad was busy cooking breakfast for everyone - Bacon of course.  Little Savannah was looking for her tiger plushie, Tony. Unbeknownst to her, her Daddy was hogging it. Hazel orbs locked onto its target. The tiger is in sight. Using all her strength she stood on two wobbly legs like Bambi. Mary wandered into the room just in time to see the events unfold. Quickly shouting for Chuck, he whipped around, frying pan in hand. Savannah took her first step towards Chuck. He quickly snapped away the frying pan and bent down to his girl's level. Arms reaching out for her. She took a few more steps towards him and stumbled into his chest. Picking her up and spinning her, "Such a daddy's girl!" he exclaimed. The boys never got to see it in person but Chuck showed them his memory of it. As for Crowley, he was pretty shocked when he saw her running towards him. 

Her first word was "Dada". Being the little Daddy's girl she is according to Dean. Dean loved her like he loved Sammy. Dean took her to the ice cream parlour once, that didn't go well. She ate the frozen dessert in the back of Baby, which didn't end well for Dean. There was melted chocolate ice cream everywhere. Dean chased her around the bunker, trying to get her to clean up Baby. Soon Dean forgot about it as her two-year-old laughter filled his ears. He made Chuck clean it claiming it was his daughter, his mess. But Dean still loved her, even after she messed up Baby. 

Time with Sam was spent reading books like The Lion King and Peter Pan. There was this one time before she turned three, Sammy played Hide and Seek with her. She hid in Dean's room, under his bed. Sam looked everywhere for her, the last place to check was Dean's room. A soft knock on the door made Sam aware nobody was in there. He slowly pushed the door open. He looked left and right. But his head soon whipped back left again as he saw Savannah playing with one of Dean's guns. "Gun" she giggled out playing with the safety.  Sam was quick to yank the gun from her hands before she did some damage.  Savannah's reaction to the not so caring action was to burst into tears. Sam didn't know what to do. So he did what his mum and Dean did. He scooped up Savannah and hummed Hey Jude. She soon stopped crying, and to Sam's surprise, she fell asleep in his arms. Dean had been standing there watching him hum Hey Jude just like he did a soft smile tugging his lips. 

Castiel was given the job to protect Savannah, keep her from harm. From anything. Castiel happily accepted the responsibility of safeguarding Savannah. But the times when Castiel isn't needed to protect her, mostly because everyone else is there, Savannah likes to play with her favourite angel. 

Before Raphaela came to the bunker and after her third birthday, Castiel had the sweetest situation that year. It was a normal day and Savannah wanted to go to the park. Chuck and everyone else was busy so of course, Castiel took it upon himself to take her to the park. Happy to oblige to the girl's command if it makes her happy. As her guardian angel, if she's happy, he's happy. So a flap of his wings, there're at the park. 

The sun was bouncing off her chubby arms as she ran around the park, giggling. Her hair bouncing on her shoulders as she bobs up and down. Brown locks float around her head, the wind catches them as she stumbles around the park, looking for something to play on. Her hazel eyes caught glimpses of shiny metal. She bounces over to it, a big grin on her face. Her hands clasp the metal railing as she climbs up the red steps. Her heart beating faster as she gets higher and higher until she reaches the very top. Sitting on the top of the metal slide her eyes go wide as she looks down at the floor.  Her mouth opens to scream for Castiel but nothing comes out. A hand is placed on her shoulder, following the arm, she is greeted with the face of Castiel. A soft smile is set on his face, but his blue orbs show worry. Castiel grabs her hands in each of his. 
"Ready?" Castiel's voice is soft and coaxing. She quickly shakes her head, no,  her fear getting the better of her. "It'll be fine. Trust me." His voice was a little stern but still soft enough to make her say yes. Using her hands he gently pulls her down the slide, until she's giggling at the bottom. She looks up to Castiel her eyes twinkling with excitement. Pulling up with one hand he ruffles her hair with the other. But she has a mischievous grin on her face that tells Castiel that she has plans for him. Grabbing his hand Savannah drags Castiel to the swings.
Let's just say Castiel had the best time ever, hearing her laugh and giggle. Now she and Castiel have to go to the park at least once a week. And Castiel savours every moment.

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