Chapter 2.5 - Savannah's POV

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Savannah's favourite book was from an old dusty bookshelf she found. On the very bottom tucked away in between two old books. The fragile paperback is one of her most cherished possessions since she was 5. Reading it before she went to bed, after Mary's bedtime stories. Whenever she was bored. She could relate to the story, two brothers and two loving parents: an unexpected baby thrown into the mix, it was the perfect story for her. 

But there was one problem with the story, the promise the little boy made. He was going to ignore the baby until he got all the attention back on him. That's what she planned to do. She wanted Sam to teach her again, and Dean to maker her laugh. She wanted her brothers back. Sam's busy with the new baby and Dean keeps going on hunts to get away from the bunker. Savannah just wanted her family back before he came with her. 

After ignoring Raphaela for ages, her mum and dad came to have a word with her. She was sitting on her bed. Her legs swinging and her hands twidling nervously. The bed dipped as Mary came to sit beside her. 
"Sweetheart," She started, "Why aren't you playing with Raph anymore?" Savannah just shook her head as Chuck sighed. He crouched down in front of her. 
"Look at me Savannah" He demanded. Slowly she locked eyes with her father. She could see the anger in his eyes even if he's trying to hide. Chuck takes a deep breath to steady himself. 
"You've hurt Raph and your brothers. Sammy's upset you don't want to spend time with him and his daughter." Her eyes go wide at the mention of her brothers. Eyes going glossy, she opens her mouth to speak. Mary noticing this coaxes her into saying what she was going to say. Her voice small, she explains.
"Tell Sammy and Dean I'm sorry. But they...they haven't been paying attention to me." She looks at her mom for comfort, who nods, giving her a warm smile. "I want my brothers back. She's been taking them away from me." Tears are now flowing down her face, and her voice is getting louder as she gets more worked up. "Ever since he bought her to my home. I hate him and her!" Pushing a hand through his hair, Chuck picked himself up. He paced back and forth trying to control his anger. His daughter hates his angel. Mary, who is probably the best mother and wife, sent Chuck to cool off. Slamming the door, Chuck walks the bunker corridors, leaving an upset Savannah. 
"Is daddy mad at me?" She asks her mom, her voice hoarse from crying. Instantly, Mary drew her into a hug, stroking her and shushing her. After her she calmed down, Mary pulled apart from the hug. She was going to ask the question she dreaded the answer to. 
"Savannah, Why? Why are you doing this now? Raph has been here for 4 years now. What's changed?" Savannah sighed. This was going to be hard for a 7-year-old to explain. 
"The boy in the book did this, and he got his brothers back." Savannah slid off the bed to her oak bedside table. Opening the top drawer, she pulled out a worn out paperback. It had no front cover. It was just plain blue. Leaving the drawer open, she turned to her mother, who was watching patiently. She slowly handed it to her. Mary inspected it her eyes scanning the cover. Turning to the first page, her eyes went wide, the first word was one no seven-year-old should read. Slamming it shut, she turned her attention to Savannah who was staring at the floor. "Sweetheart, tell me the story." Mary gently asked, not wanting to scare Savannah anymore. 
"Oh...urm" She looked at the book trying to recall the main events. "The boy has two brothers and two parents." There was a long pause as Savannah tried to find a way to put what she read into words. "Then he gets a sister, and she always cries and then everyone pays attention to her. Then the pictures show him ignoring everyone to get attention. And so the-" 
"Pictures?" Mary interrupted. Savannah nodded. She took the book from Mary, skipping a couple of pages to land on what seems a page full of pictures to her. But for Mary, it was small writing depicting some steamy stuff going. Confused, Mary gently grabbed the book from Savannah and ruffled her hair. She ran out of the room looking for Chuck, leaving Savannah to ponder what's going on. 

After a couple of minutes, Savannah gets bored and tries to find out what's going on. Padding her way down the bunker halls she hears muffled speaking coming from the library. Stopping just before the archway, she listens in.

"So, what your saying is the book reveals your fantasies?" Dean says flipping through a few pages. Chuck slowly nods as Dean exclaims slamming the book shut. He steals a glance at Castiel, who tilts his head to the side. Shocked about what he saw Dean hands the book back to Chuck, and walks out the room.

He nearly walks into Savannah, but quickly picks her up with ease and sits her on his hip. He begrudgingly walks back into the room, all faces quickly turning to him. Sam gives him a look, as to say 'what are you doing?'. While Chuck and Mary, well more Chuck, are quick to walk over to Dean and Savannah.
"I caught the little princess spying on us" Dean simultaneously answered one question but gave them more questions to ask. Knowing what was about to happen from years of them living there, Dean put his hand up to stop. He placed Savannah on the ground and walked out mumbling something about Pie and Beer.

Raphaela who was playing with her train set in the corner of the bunker map room decided to explore where her daddy and papa had gone. From her little corner, she couldn't see any of the men she wanted as the table was in the way. Giggling, she ran over, train in hand ready to show one of her dads. What she didn't expect to see was Savannah, who was nervously playing with her hands. This made Raphaela stop, the wooden train echoing to the floor.

A/N I know people want this chapter to come out so I'm gonna leave it there. And the next one should be out soon. Love y'all. 💙

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2019 ⏰

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