Getting to the Root of the Problem

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Writer's block is a very common issue all writers face at some point in their lives. It can be very frustrating to try to deal with and can even cause many people to give up on their writing. In order to find a solution, you first have to have a better understanding of what is causing the problem. 

Sometimes, writer's block can be remedied by just a change in the environment. The problem might not even be a writer's block. Some are unable to fully concentrate due to messy, loud, or tech-savvy environments. Try writing outside, in a library, or even at a local coffee shop. For me, writing in my school's library helps, the more boring the environment the better. It inspires me to full the world with creativity. 

For others silence can be the enemy. Many people feel more creative with music playing in the background. I have met a few writers who need to have classical music playing to feel inspired. While others like to play rock music when they are brainstorming. 

Maybe, the problem is too many ideas. You might feel as is you have a tornado of ideas but can not grasp it all and are unsure of where to start. To remedy this, try to loosely map out your ideas or paper. You can always connect the dots later on in the creative process.