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"Sorry, can't tonight."

"Too much work to do."

"Maybe next week?"

How much work could he possibly have? And if he were sincerely interested in you, would he really let it get in the way of seeing you?

What it means: He really could have too much work to do, or he really could be out of town visiting his grandparents, or he really might be way too tired after work to see a movie. "But, on the other hand, he's being particularly vague about making future plans, so he's not all that enthusiastic about seeing you," Lieberman points out.

If we've learned anything about men, it's that when a guy wants to see you, he will go well out of his way to ensure that it happens. So while not all hope is lost when a guy can't keep a date, this type of message should make you wary.

How to respond: According to Wanis, "The best way to respond to this is to say, 'Okay, I'm available Wednesday or Thursday, which day [works for you]?' What you're doing is responding in a masculine manner by being direct and clear, and you're now giving him an option." If your guy is interested, he'll willingly agree to make alternative plans and, this time, he'll (hopefully) keep them.

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