Secretly Loving You: Chapter 6

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I dedicate this to Justkaylay because she's the one that really got my story going (: Thank you sooooo much Justkaylay!!! (:

Hey guys (: I really hope you like this!! The story's about to unfold a bit more...a lot of things are going to happen in the next few chapters...Not saying anything else...Leave a comment telling me what you think is going to happen (: Okay, here we go! Cue the superman music!

Remember to:



And fan.

(if you dare xD)

And PLEASE. I'm begging you to go vote again for the first chapter of this story. I accidentally deleted it, and lost all the votes. :( I would mean a lot to me if you went and voted for it, and even commented if you felt like being awesome (; Thank you soo much.


Secretly Loving You: Chapter 6

"Come on, Bonnie! You've been applying that eyeliner for like ever! I'm getting old here."

She frowns at me, and leans into the mirror after again wiping off the black debris below her eyes. "Shit, Ray. That's the fifth crooked line I've drawn! I can't help it."

I roll my eyes. We've been getting ready in my tiny bathroom for hours now, and I'm starting to feel claustrophobic. I was fully dressed and pampered over thirty minutes ago, while Bonnie hasn't even gotten her dress on yet. She's so anal about her hair and makeup. Even before she curled and poofed her hair to the max and put on a gallon of unnecessary makeup, she still look like some Greek goddess. Bonnie was a full mixture of African American, Asian, and Indian, making her skin tone totally jealous significant, not a single blemish or scar. She's completely gorgeous, but is the only one that can't seem to see it. I swear, she flinches at herself in the mirror. It makes me sick.

"Can you at least put your dress on?" I shove it at her. "We have to leave here before my mom gets home. It only takes her so long to go to the grocery store and back."

Bonnie takes it. "Fine." She strips down to her underwear, which is a black, lacey bra and a matching light pink thong, and pulls the dress over her head. I wish I had the balls to wear that kind of sexy underwear, rather than my usual blue boy-shorts with stars on them and sports bra. Well, I didn't really have anyone to show the lingerie off to, so there's really no point. "Alright. Dress on. Makeup not perfect. Just give me a few more minutes. Oh, and can you zip me up?"

I nodded, and absently zipped up her bright pink, Prada dress to the top. She turned around, and I swear she looked like a runway model in her 95 pound self. Lucky bitch. "Okay. Now, hurry up!"

She went back over to the pile of makeup products on the edge of the counter, and got back to work. To be honest, I didn't feel like watching her apply product after product on her perfect face anymore. I walked out of the bathroom, and into my room.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

Holy shit, hyperly ring the doorbell will ya? I heard you the first time.

I quickly ran downstairs-well it wasn't exactly running. I was wearing three inch heels after all-and opened the front door to find an adorable guy wearing a navy blue button down, dark jeans, and black Docs. Oh, how cute Aiden looked in blue. It's his best color by far. I smiled warmly at him, melting in his presence. I heard more footsteps on the walkway, and saw the Devil's spawn herself. My smile quickly faded. Chloe was a total mood killer. Just seeing her makes me cringe.

Aiden's eyes were wide as he slowly looked me up and down. I felt my cheeks get hot. I've been checked out by a guy before, but Aiden did it so blatantly, making me nervous and weak-kneed. "Hey Regan. You look..." Chloe quickly shot him an evil look that said 'If you say anything, even the least bit romantic, I'm going to chop your head off' His facial expression changed to nervous. "nice. You look very...nice."

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