Camping in Canada

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(Your POV)

I woke up early this morning, superly excited about going camping in Canada! We already bought the plane tickets last night. We even bought tickets for Nash and Madison.

Maybe Madison is not so bad as everyone says she is?

Jack was still asleep. And he was not even close to being finished with packing.

"JACK!!! WE ARE GOING TO CANADA." I said nudging him.

He turned to me and groaned, "Where are we going?.."

I laughed, "Canada, you silly butt head. Now get out of bed and finish packing. We have a plane to catch."

He literally slid out of bed like a snake.

I went downstairs to see if Hayes and Cameron were up, Cameron slept here overnight because he was too lazy to drive home.

I was actually surprised to have found Cameron up, usually he sleeps till afternoon.

"Rise and shineeee" Cameron yelled.

I laughed, "Someone is also up early."

He gave me one of his silly faces, "Mhmmm, WE IS GOING TO CANADA. OF COURSE I IS UP EARLY, AIN'T NO BODY GOT TIME TO MISS DIS."

I laughed even harder, and rolled my eyes.

I went to look for Hayes, he was not downstairs. I went to the attic.

"Hayes, we're going to Canada today. Get out of bed." I said.

"Urrrggggg. I don't wanna get up." He groaned.

"You have to, we bought you a plane ticket."

"Fine, I'll get some clothes on.."

I quickly looked into the mirror, I realized I was still in my pajamas. Should I get dressed? Nah, I think I'll just go all comfy.

I went back downstairs to eat breakfast. Jack was putting our suitcases downstairs, he got ready fast.

"Aren't you going to get dressed?" Jack asked.

"I am dressed." I said.

"Alright..." Jack joked.

After eating breakfast, Nash, Madison, Taylor, Carter, JJ, and Shawn came over.

"Guys we're leaving in like twenty minutes to the airport, make sure you have everything you need." Cameron said.

After everyone went over their stuff, we got picked up by three taxis. We put all our bags into each one.

Here were the car groups:

Taxi 1:




Taxi 2:


Jack and Jack


Taxi 3:




Nash wanted me and Madison to ride together. He wanted us to get to know each other, and maybe become friends.

We were driving to the airport, and Madison looked at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Sorry, I was just thinking." Madison said.

"Oh." I said awkwardly.

"So, you're excited about Canada? Have you ever been there?" I asked.

Madison smiled, "Yeah, I've been there a few times for business offers. And I am really excited."

"Oh nice." I said.

We finally arrived at the airport, Cameron paid for our taxi. We got out, and took all our bags out from the trunk.

We were all one big group walking into the airport.

A few girls came up to us. A short blonde with curly hair came up to me and said, "Oh my gosh!!! You're (y/n)! Jack Gilinsky's girlfriend!!! Can I have a picture?"

I smiled, "Sure." And she took the picture.

We kept on being delayed every five seconds due to the fans coming on to us, and asking for pictures.

We finally reached the check in, and we checked all of our bags in.

When we were in the airport, Madison kept begging Nash to go to Starbucks.

"Yeah guys, let's go to Starbucks!" I said.

Everyone agreed. We all got frappes, except for Madison, she got a Latte.

*On the plane to Canada*

We finally boarded the plane, and I was really excited. Once again, I was sitting next to Madison. She seemed really nice. And I did want to get to know her better.

Jack was at least two rows ahead of me, I texted him.

Me: I want to sit with you.. :(

Jack: Me too. But Nash wants you to sit with Mad. :/

Then a flight attendant came up to me and said, "Sorry.. No texting until we've reached our destination. Please put all electronics on airplane mode, or power them down."

"Okay." I said.

Madison stopped reading her book and looked at me, "Who were you texting?"

"Jack." I said.

"Sucks how Nash won't let you sit with him." Madison said.

"Yeah..." I moped.

*In Canada*

"Attention passengers, we have now arrived in our destination. Please keep your seatbelts buckled until the seatbelt sign is off. Thank you for flying with Canada Airlines." The captain said.

"Yaaaaassss we're in Canada." Cameron said, looking excited.

Madison was asleep beside me.

"Madison? Wake up.. We're in Canada." I whispered.

Madison's eyes opened, "Oh okay."

After the seatbelt sign went off, everyone was getting up, getting their carry ons, and trying to get off the plane.

Once we were off the plane, we had to go for customs again. After that, we needed to find the person holding a sign saying "Cameron Dallas", because Cameron demanded his name to be on it.

We ran to the guy and said, "That's us!"

When we were outside, a crowd of fan girls chased us. A blonde came up to us and said, "OMIGOSH! You guys are from MagCon!! I was looking through twitter, and I knew you would be here!"

We took a bunch of pictures with her, she was really nice.

Once we were in the taxi the driver asked, "Where am I taking y'all?"

"Lake Kokanusa" Cameron said.

I looked at Cameron and asked, "Where is that?"

"Oh, it is a popular camping site.. I found it on tumblr." Cameron laughed.

Canada was so pretty! It was not as dirty as Los Angeles, and it had way more trees here.

"Here you are." The driver said, "That'll be four fifty eight."

Cameron handed him the money, and got out of the taxi.

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