Into The Unknown

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"You're trembling," she whispered, reaching over to take my hand. I laced our fingers together, placing a kiss on the back of her hand. I sighed, resting my head against the wall behind us. "So, you're nervous?"

"What gave it away?" I looked at her, turning my head only slightly to look at her face out of the corner of my eye.

"Hey, I understand nervousness. That is one emotion I wish I didn't have." I smiled, squeezing her hand.

"I know. Your nails know. You pick your nails when you're nervous or bored." She hates it when I pointed out the little trait because it was always a reminder than I hated that habit of her's.

"So you've said." She leaned over and kissed my cheek as the elevator bell dinged, letting us know that the door was opening. I gripped her hand tighter, using her to keep me grounded. She pulled me gently into a small nook that hid us from on coming people. "You are going to do great." Her voice was soft as reassuring. It calmed me down a lot.

"You think so?" I smirked, leaning down a little, our lips brushing.

"I know so. You're Dustin Bates, one of the most notable Engineers of your generation, my Engineer, one of the most amazing men in the galaxy, and the kindest, most genuine person I know. You'll do fine." Her lips were soft as they spoke, touching mine every now and again. I didn't reply to her pep talk. I pressed my lips to hers to fully complete the kiss. It was sweet and warm.

After a few moments, we pulled away from each other, walking away from the private area. I held her hand until we reached the door to the large room where I would be teaching. It felt like my first day of school all over again.

"Do you want me to stay for a little bit?" Shay was looking around the room from our place by the doorway, probably surveying for potential threats.

"No. I'll be alright." I squeezed her hand one last time, smiling at her before walking in. Even though I told her that I would be alright, she stood in the doorway watching me speak for almost an hour before disappearing.

Laughter rang out from the closed door of the suite the three of us from Prox shared. I slowly opened it. Taylor and Shay sat on the floor in front of the couch laughing and talking. If someone didn't know that they were two of the most powerful people in a massive war, they could easily be mistaken for two young best friends laughing over something mundane. That would have been nothing to fear.

However, Shaylee and Taylor were no two ordinary women. Shaylee didn't often laugh like she was and Taylor certainly didn't seem like the type to laugh until she cried. It was terrifying.

"Hey..." I greeted them. They paused for a moment, looking at me before back to each other and laughing more. I turned bright red, nodding at them before retreating to check on Thomas.

It was three days in and he was still throwing up. He had run a low fever, but it didn't go above one hundred.

"Hey, Thomas, how do you feel today?" I sat down on the end of his bed. He shrugged, groaning and rolling into his side. "I'll take that as a still shit. That's nice." I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "We go home in two days, so, you can rest there in your own bed." I parted his thigh. "Need anything?"

"More fizzy shit," he whined, holding out his glass. I nodded, leaving the room to go to the cafeteria to get him some more. I passed the girls on the way again, their laughter a little more subdued, but still ringing. I made it almost to the cafe when someone stopped me.

"Doctor Bates!" I turned, smiling. It was a young lady, around Shay's age, with warm brown eyes and long blonde hair. She was one of the Engineers for Runibor, not very athletically inclined, but still fit. She was helpful and kind, always smiling. She seemed to be the opposite of Shay. The Anti-Shay, if you will.

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