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GIVEN A CHOICE, VALT WOULD NOT HAVE PICKED TO SPEND THE MOST IMPORTANT BIRTHDAY   of his life helping Devin Trunswick get dressed. In all honesty, he would not have volunteered to Devin Trunswick do anything, ever.

But Devin was the eldest son of Eric, the Earl of Trunswick, and Valt was the third son of Fenray, Herder of Sheep. Fenray had incurred debts to the earl, and Valt was helping to work them off as a servant to Devin. The arrangement had begun over a year ago, and was set to last at least two more.

Valt had to hook each fiddly clasp on ghe back of Devin's coat correctly or the folds would hang crooked, and he would hear about it for weeks. The fine material was more decorative than practical. If caught in a storm, Valt knew that Devin would wish for a more simpler, more durable coat. One without class. One that might actually keep him warm.

"Are you done fussing around back there?" Devin asked in exasperation.

"Sorry for the delay, milord," Valt replied. "There are forty-eight clasps. I'm just now linking the fortieth."

"How many more days will this take? I'm about to die of old age! Are you just inventing numbers?"

Valt resisted a sharp reply. Having grown up counting sheep, he probably knew his numbers better than Devin. But arguing with a noble caused more trouble than it was worth. Sometimes Devin seemed to deliberately temp him. "It's my best guess."

The door flew open and Dawson, Devin's younger brother, burst into the room. "Are you still getting dressed, Devin?"

"Don't blame me," Devin protested. "Valt keeps napping."

Valt only gave Dawson a brief glance. The sooner he finished the clasps, the sooner he could get himself ready.

"How could Valt fall asleep?" Dawson called, giggling. "Everything you say, brother, is so interesting."

Valt resisted a grin. Dawson seldom stopped talking. He often got annoying, but he could sometimes be pretty funny. Im awake.

Arent you done yet? Devin complained. How many are left?

Valt wanted to say twenty. Five.

Think youll summon a spirit animal, Devin? Dawson asked.

I dont see why not, Devin replied. Grandfather called a mongoose. Father produced a lynx.

Today was the Trunswick Nectar Ceremony. In less than an hour, the local children who turned eleven this month would each try to call a spirit animal. Valt knew that some families tended to form bestial bonds more regularly than others. Even so, calling a spirit animal was never guaranteed, no matter what your family name. there were only three kids scheduled to drink the Nectar, and the odds were against any of them succeeding. It was certainly nothing to boast about before it happened.

What animal do you think youll get? Dawson wondered.

Your guess is as good as mine, Devin said. What do you expect?

A chipmunk, Dawson predicted.

Devin lunged at his brother, who scampered away, giggling. Dawson was not dressed as formally as his older brother, which allowed him freer movement. Still, Devin soon caught him and tackled him to the floor, pinning him down.

A bear would be more likely, Devin said, grinding his elbow into his brothers chest. Or a wildcat, like Father. First thing Ill do is have it taste you.

Valt tried to wait patiently. It wasnt his place to intervene.

You might get nothing, Dawson said bravely.

Beyblade Burst x Spirit Animals Book 1 WILD BORNWhere stories live. Discover now