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WAKIYA SAT ON A CUSHION BEFORE HIS LOOKING GLASS, METICULOUSLY combing his long, blonde hair. He didn't mind letting his handmaids prepare him for festivals or banquets. But today was important. Today he wanted to look just right. And when you wanted something right, you did it yourself.

After finishing tying up his hair, Wakiya inspected his handiwork. It was a work of art atop a work of art. People always remarked that he was stunning. He had never needed to keep his hair down to earn compliments. But now he possessed an allure beyond his natural beauty.
Anybody could get the combing and tying hair right. But Wakiya knew some tricks his handmaids didn't - how to properly comb his hair in the right place, how to spike his bangs above his left eye, and how a little pinch of makeup made him more appealing.

Wakiya practiced a shy smile. Then a delighted smile, followed by a look of surprise, and finally a scowl.

Smoothing his hands over his snug silk robes, Wakiya silently proclaimed his work complete.

There came a hesitant tap on the door. "Master," called a high voice sweetly. "Is everything all right? Can I offer any help?"

This was Kusha's polite way of informing him that the Bonding Day celebration was at a standstill. The most important people in the province were waiting on hi. "I'm almost ready," Wakiya answered. "I'll be out in a moment."

Wakiya didn't want to make everyone wait too long, but making them wait a little would ensure that all eyes were on him. The other candidates had sampled the Nectar already. Wakiya would drink it last, in the place of honour. The conventional wisdom was that the last person to drink the Nectar had the best chance of summoning a spirit animal.

As the son of General Teng, one of the five high commanders of the Zhongese military, Wakiya had been guaranteed the last spot at the quarterly Bonding Day ceremonies since birth. As his only child, his importance was elevated further. He had no brother to steal his birthright.
His mother had summoned a spirit animal, as had all four of Wakiya's grandparents, and all eight of his great-grandparents. His father, grandfather, and two of his great-grandfathers had been generals. The least of the others had been powerful merchants. Only the family of the emperor could claim a better pedigree.

His father had not called a spirit animal, but even so had risen higher in the military than any of his ancestors. He was a formidable man - nobody was more cunning, or more observant, or more wrathful when crossed. His father had told him last night that he had foreseen he would summon a spirit animal today. He didn't know whether he had a visited soothsayer or beheld the vision himself, but he had acted certain, and he was never wrong.

Wakiya took a final look in the mirror, proud of what he had accomplished.

A heavy fist pounded the door, startling him. This was no handmaid.

"Yes?" Wakiya called.

"Are you decent?" a male voice inquired.


The door opened. It was General Chin, his father's closest aide, wearing his most formal uniform. How late was he?

"What is it, General?"

"My apologies for the intrusion," he said. He paused, licking his lips, he seemed perturbed, almost unsure how to continue. "I have . . . unfortunate news. The invasion of Zhong has begun. We must hurry with the ceremony, and then move out."


"Surely you know about the skirmishes in the southeast."

"Of course." His father kept few secrets from him. But he had shared no suspicions of a series threat.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2020 ⏰

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