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Annabelle Maximoff has never had enough. She only had her siblings. Now she only has her sister and people who claim to love her but in reality, are scared of her.

While her brother was given the gift of speed. Her sister, telekinesis and hypnosis. She was given the power to use and produce weather out of thin air.

The public called her Mother Nature, her sister Scarlet Witch and her brother Quicksilver. She was young when she lost him, impacting her the most.

The nightmares and episodes made her incapable of leaving the room Tony had given her.

Then she was able to control when she healed and mourned.

Now she is being forced to go to school.

The bell rang indicating that she was officially late for her first day. "Ah, Miss Maximoff. You've arrived. I just wanted to establish some school rules." The principal stated as they walked to her first lesson. "Fifteen minutes late to a lesson will be lunch detention which is half an hour shorter then regular detention, no matter if you are out there saving the world. You know for equality within the students. If you don't show up to a lesson at all it will be full detention. And finally, no powers within the school grounds." He said opening the door to her Chemistry class. The class stopped and looked at her, it all falling silent. "Class this is Annabelle Maximoff, your new classmate. Please, treat her as you would want to be treated." He said as he closed the door behind.

"Well, welcome Annabelle." The Chemistry teacher said to her.

"Just Anna." She corrected.

"Right, Anna." The teacher cleared her throat awkwardly. "Well, you're in a table of four, so you're in the back with Ned Leeds, Peter Parker and Michelle Jones. You three please raise your hands." The three hands at the back raised where she followed the path that seemed to be made.

The rest of the lesson passed by quite quickly, almost like gibberish to her. While in Sokovia, there wasn't much of an education for her and her siblings. She tried as much as she could to read, but she didn't get to this stage yet.

"Alright class in your groups, you'll all each be given an element of the periodic table and of which you will at the end on the term present to me, which will be a rounded 65% of your grade. Any questions?" Nobody asked her in time for the bell. "Right, I'll see you on Wednesday. Have a good day!" She called out as students piled out of her classroom, including Anna.

"Hey, Anna?" The three of them caught up to her. She looked at them with confusion in her eyes.

"I'm Ned, this is..." Peter didn't answer as he just stared at her. "Peter who can't apparently talk anymore."

"I'm Michelle." The taller and darker one said with a small wave. "So we were wondering the library at six?"

"Sure." She said with a small smile.

"Then pizza after," Ned added excitedly.

"Sure." She repeated.

"Well, what you got next?" Michelle looked at Annabelle's timetable, written on her wrist.

"Gym. Great, you're with me." She said, pulling her along, not giving her the chance to reply.

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