Chapter 42

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Badzachx wants to send you a message. 

Gracierose accepted badzachx request

Badzachx: no one may have not believed me about how we slept together but now i have proof. 

Gracierose: we never slept together, zach. I turned you down when you asked. i love tayler. and what proof. you don't have any proof. 

Badzachx: actually i fucking do. and i will post it on instagram, i wouldn't push me gracie. 

Gracierose: what did i fucking do, zach? we were friends. i never hurt you, why are you doing this to me? 

Badzachx: because i wanted you gracie. and you fucking chose him. and all of this between bryce and i, you chose his side not even going to listening to my side. when i post these pictures, you are going to deserve everything that gets thrown at you. 

Badzachx: no one will believe you after this; they will believe that you slept with me, even know the pictures are fake. 

Gracierose: zach.. i'm sorry you felt that way, and the people will believe me. the pictures are fake. tayler and everyone else will believe that i didnt sleep with you because i fucking didnt. 

Badzachx: its too late gracie. i will post the pictures. 

Gracierose has blocked Badzachx 

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