Chapter 1: Fairy Tale 1: Fog Of Depression

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[The Dream Starts in a classroom filled with 2nd graders, an Englishmen walks into the classroom with a bottle of Deerpark Gourmet Soda in his hand as he walks to the teachers Desk]

“Good Morning Class, My name is Sir Kent the Third, I am subbing for your teacher Ms. Keen and today I am going to read a story for you.”

A kid raises his hand and says “What Kind of story”

And he answers “A story of love”

He pulls out a book and turns to the 3rd page and begins reading

[A dream sequence begins and now everything that the man is reading is happening]

“Once upon a time there was a young boy that went by the name of Myk. He lived near the hills in the valley of sadness just above the fog of depression. When Myk was a child a very ugly and demented witch put a spell on him. The spell was meant to cause him eternal depression and hate by banishing the act of love , but Myk’s heart was too pure, even as a child. So instead of affecting Myk the spell created the Fog of Depression. If a person is to touch the Fog of Depression they shall acquire a black heart and live the rest of their life chronically depressed. Because of Myk’s Golden Heart, he is immune to the Smog of Sadness and it has been said that if 2 pure hearts are to unite with true-love’s kiss the fog will be diminished, but it is so hard for Myk to find a person that he can take home. Myk would go to school, get to know a girl that he would find attractive, and then when he attempted to take them home 1 of two bad things would happen. The girl would either run away, or come in contact with the fog ruining their personality. They would become gloomy, sad, depressed, and they had the F*** life mentality. Myk began to lose hope. He began to doubt himself. He started to think that he was not meant to be loved. Then on the next Monday Myk went to his school. While Myk and all the other students were in class waiting for the teacher to instruct them, the classroom door opened and a striking light blinded all the students in the class. Myk brought a pair of UV protective shades to class and he put them on his eyes. The light was still bright but he could at least see what was causing the light to hit so hard. What he saw, was a girl inside the room looking outside the door talking to someone that was outside. A few seconds later she waved goodbye to the person and sat next to Myk. He became extremely nervous. The girl had long beautiful flowing hair, a sweet smile, her outfit was fashionable, she was a perfect 10. She tapped Myk. He looked and She waved with a smile on her face and said “Hi, how are you.” Myk was still nervous but if he didn’t say anything that would be rude “Hey, I’m good, My name is Myk what is yours?” And before the girl could answer the Teacher walked into class and said “Good morning class, before we get started we have a new student in class” The girl Stood up with a Big Smile on her face and waved to the class “Hey” The Teacher then said “Dailys, is a transfer for the land of flowers. I hope you will all make her feel welcome.” Then the class continued. Day after day Myk would attempt to talk to her and get to know her and slowly but surely he had fallen in love. But he didn’t know what to do. A little voice in his head said “Spend a little time with her outside of school”. So Myk  listened to that voice and hung out with her at the park. Something that he noticed was whenever she walked in a grassy area, flowers would grow behind her. The two had a good time at the park but there was just so much that they could do there. He wanted to invite her to his house but he did not want to expose her to the fumes from the Fog of Depression. He knew she was a nice girl but he was afraid he would ruin her life with the exposure of the fumes. Few weeks later while Myk was going home after school, she noticed that he was walking near her area and followed him and saw him walk through the Fog of Depression. When he got home he sat on his couch and wondered if he was doing the right thing keeping her away from the Valley of Sadness, “If the girl is right for me it wouldn’t matter” he told himself… then the voice in his head said “Then bring her over. If she has a pure heart then she is meant for you.” The next day he waited in class for her arrival and when she sat next to him he said “Wanna come over after school?” and she replied “Sure.” He did not want her to go in without knowing so he said “I just want to tell you something before we go. I live in a weird area and if you are not strong enough it will change you.” She then laughed confidently and said “Yeah, I think I’m strong enough.” After school they met in the front of the school and they began to walk together. Rumor had spreaded that she was going to Myk's house so a whole crowd formed behind them as they  approached the fog. In awe they watched flowers formed in the grass and her body began to light up again. She held Myk’s hand and they began to walk through the fog to Myk’s house. The light coming from Dailys surrounded them, it was like an orb of protection from the fumes. Flowers would form in the light behind Dailys and then die when exposed to the fog outside of the light. They got to his house, and on his front porch they looked into each other eyes and then began approaching each other closer and closer and then….”{[the camera panned out and looked at the valley from the crowds point of view… A large explosion of light filled the air, and the gas disappeared, and the crowd was filled with cheer applause and laughter]And then I woke}

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