Chapter 2: Horror 1: Little Girl

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I opened my eyes and all I saw was darkness. I sat alone in the dark place that had an odd and disgusting oder. The place smelt like a combination of a fart, old sweaty gym socks, a dead animal, and rotten eggs to the extreme. i began to walk forward because sitting down and enduring the stench was worse than being murdered at that point. As i continued my walk through the dark smelly area i began to see a small flickering light straight across. I followed the light and it led me to a very small window. I paused and looked at the window for a couple of seconds convincing myself tat i had beaten the challenge and found my way out of the labrynth  that I had seemed to wake up in. The window was small. It was probably 2 feet in height and and 3 feet in length. The window was located on the lower center of the wall near the floor. I got on both knees and looked through the window to see what i was going to encounter after going through the window. I saw an empty room and then a little girl whom was in a straight jacket appeared and began pacing the room with her head down. I deducted that the window is located at the top right corner of the room due to the angle that I I saw the room in and there seemed to be no doors or windows on the wall in front of me. the little girl stopped walking and than sat in the center of the room in a curled up position still looking at the floor. Then in that split second she noticed me. She stared blankly towards the window i was looking through. For several minutes she looked at the window motionless and then a smile formed on her face. She looked evil and very much scary. I hid in the shadows but, she kept on staring at me. I then heard a noise come from her room. It sounded like a steel door opening up. I looked through the window again and a man wearing a suit approached the girl and then stood right in front of her. The place was really falling apart and a peice of the ceiling landed on my head. I paused my attemtion to dust off the little cement peices that fell on my head. When I looked back at the window the man was on the floor bleeding rapidly through his neck. It looked like a peice of his neck was bitten off.

 I was panicing and afraid. I than began hearing the sound of slow small footsteps aproaching me. They were getting louder and louder it felt like something or someone was closing in on me. i tried to run away by opening the window and escaping but it was locked tight. I tried breaking through it but it was secure and strong shock proof glass. So I just sat in the darkness, covered my mouth and closed my eyes. I felt a hand on my shoulder and when I opened my eyes I saw the little girl with blood all over her face. She was smiling and then she grabbed me by the right arm twisted it and pulled it out of the socket and started pulling me towards her room. Before we got there I lifted myself with my left arm and I began to run. the crazy little girl ran on all fours quickly like a hungry cheetah and when she was almost next to me she jumpped and landed on my back. She waas getting ready to bite my head off.... But I woke up just in time.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2012 ⏰

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