Student Council and candy

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Hey people. How ya doin? Good good im glad to hear. Anyways this chapter is about two friends of mine. Let me introduce them if I may.

Alright first up is Simone (otherwise known as Skittles XD). She is the best. So go follow her noooow. If you mess with her you taste the rainbow. (Get it, rainbow, skittles, no? ok ok).

Then theres the whooole (whats up with me and o's today?) student council thing. So there were a lot of people running for student council.  One of them was my good friend Vanesa. So she brought candy to give out to people. Then everybody was hogging her saying "if you give me candy ill vote for u". They acted like little three year olds. I mean really? Going crazy for candy? We're not in third grade anymore people! Its just candy! But do they listen to me? No! They never listen -_- . Oh what people will do for candy. Its crazy. But who am I to say anything? Nobody, eggxactly! (I like the word eggxactly for some reason. I like saying it even more.)

Ugh my finger is getting tired of typing. But I have to keep on going cause I owe Vanesa a chapter. Well actually I have nothing left to say so byyye!

I hope u people enjoyed this chapter. I know I did. But my chapters are still short. I wish I had more ideas :(. Anyway go follow SimoneMcmu and NerdyCupcake02. Nerdy cupcake is Vanesa. Also go follow lzycat and JozelynTheAwesome.

Bye random people!,

XYulissaCarterX out


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