Chapter 24: Love, Hate, and War.

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Katniss POV

I feel my phone buzzing in my pocket, and slowly pull it out. My eyes light up like a million fireworks as I see who the call is from. I quickly press answer and squeal into the phone "Peeta!" But the voice I am received back with does not sound nearly as enthusiastic as I was hoping. Now that I come to think of it it doesn't sound much like Peeta at all. I pull away and look at who I'm on the phone with to make sure I wasn't hallucinating, but the screen reads Peeta clear as day. I furrow my eyebrows and put my ear back up to the phone.

"Hello?" I say, tension in my voice.

"Now listen here girly. We have your boyfriend here, all tied up nice and tight. We want you to bring $30,00 to 5th street, Capitol, Washington DC by Friday at midnight, or you'll never see your bread boy again. And don't even think about calling the cops, or else you and your boy will never see the light of day." My eyes grow wide and I feel my heart stop. I hear the phone slip out of my hand and crack on the ground, and I bolt inside.

"Mom." I scream, letting out a cry of agony. My mother comes rushing in from the kitchen and catches me just before my body slams into the floor. She drags me over to the stairs and sits me up in her lap. She puts my chin in her hands and looks me in the eyes. "Katniss what happen?" She says sternly. "I got a call from someone saying they have Peeta tied up and if I don't bring them 30,00 dollars by Friday I'll never see him again." I say tears spilling down my face.

"What?" My mom screeches horrified. "We have to call the police right now!" She says pulling out her phone.

"No!" I stop her. "They said if we call the cops we'll never see the light of day."'

"Well we have to do something! Katniss I don't have 30,000 dollars." My mom whispers the last part.

"I know!" I scream. "I just don't know who would do such a thing. We're in High School. This is terrible. I can't lose Peeta." I turn and cry into my mom's shoulder heavy, thick tears. I sit like this for a while, a deep pit forming in my stomach. I feel as if I'm being ripped apart piece by piece and set on fire. But just as I'm almost gone an idea pops into my head. I sit up, startling my mother. I flip open my phone and press my speed dial number 4. After ringing 3 times a sleepy voice asnwers the line. "Hello?"

"Finnick I need you to gather Annie and Johanna and pack a bag. Something terrible has happened, you need to get over here right now." I say, ending the call.

"Katniss what is going on?" My mom asks.

I stand up and run upstairs to go pack my bag. "I'm going to Washington DC." I hear a gasp escape my mother's lips and she starts to protest. After digging through my closet and finding a suitcase, I throw it on my bed and turn around to face my mom. "Mom this isn't your decision. I have to do whatever it takes to save Peeta, and I only have 2 days. I'm 17 years old. I can take care of myself." She lets out a sigh then returns to downstairs. I decide that if I live through this she will just have to find a way to forgive me.

Just as I'm throwing the last piece of clothing in my bag and zipping it up I hear the doorbell ring. I drag my bag down the stairs and swing the door open. There stands a nervous looking Finnick, Annie, and Johanna. I engulf them in hug. I guide them inside and start to explain what happen. I can barely get through it without crying, but the minute I'm finished the tears start to flow. Surprisingly it's not Annie, but Johanna who starts to hug me first. She pulls away and says with a firm voice,"We will get him back." I nod and start to stand up gathering our bags. "We need to get to the airport right now." They all nod in agreement and we load our bags up in my car. They all climb in, Johanna in front with me driving. Just as I'm about to pull out my mom and Prim come running out of the house.

My mom waves me down and I hop out of the car. Prim consumes me in a hug. "Please be safe." Prim begs, her blue eyes piercing into my sole. I reach down and place a kiss on her forehead. "I will be. I promise." Then my mother comes up from behind me and forces an envelope into my hand. I give her a confused look and crinkle the paper in my hand. "For the trip. Please Katniss, don't do anything stupid, but do your best to get Peeta back." I nod and give them each a hug again, then hop back into the car and start to drive in the direction of the airport.

We ride in silence and when I see the airport come in view I let out a sigh. One thought races through my mind. I might die today. We unload our bags and go up to the front desk, purchasing 3 emergency tickets to Washington DC. We try to go through security as fast as we can and make our way to our gate. Sadly we happen to be early for our flight, so I pace around the room until Annie yells at me to stop, saying it isn't helping the situation. I apologize and find a seat, tapping my foot. The minute a voice comes over the intercom saying "Flight 1213 to Washington DC no boarding." I'm the first one in line. After checking in I find my seat on the airplane and bite my cheek as people slowly board. I pinch the bridge of my nose and lean back against my seat as we take off. I silently pray that Peeta is okay.

Peeta's POV

The first thing I feel is pain. My eyes slowly open and I try to adjust to the darkness. My heart jumps in my throat as I realize that I am not home in my bed. I am momentarily confused when suddenly it all comes rushing back to me. Someone jumping me and knocking me out in the parking lot. I try to sit up but find that my arms are bound behind my back. I lay back down on the cold metal. I feel a pounding in my head and know I probably have a huge bruise. My ears strain to catch someone exchanging words, but the voices abruptly go silent. I can feel movement beneath me as I lie on my side, and assume we must be in a van. I try to focus on other things as my head begins to become foggy. Like the sound of the tires against the pavement. I wonder where they're taking me. I think, not wanting to know the answer.

The car unexpectedly comes to a halt and I hear 2 doors slam shut. I am suddenly blinded by light as the back doors swing open. One man in a black ski mask grabs me by my arms and drags me out of the car. I scream and kick in pain, but this only provokes the maniac and he lets out a grunt. I look around and see that the only light I was blinded by was a street light. We seem to be in the outskirts of some big city, next to a big bridge.

My carrier drags me around to the other side of the van and ties me up to a chair. My stomach drops and he tightens the ropes super tight. Whoever this is, they know what they're doing. He backs away and examines me. Then he speaks.

"Now here's what's gonna happen lover boy. At exactly midnight, if they don't have the money for your ransom here, I'm going to push you right off this bridge down to the deep caverns. Do you understand?" Ransom from who? My palms begin to sweat and my heart begins to race as I register the only person who would pay a ransom to get me back from these freaks. Somehow I will my head to go up and down. I honestly don't care what happens to me. I just want Katniss to be safe. Suddenly the person holding me reaches behind his head pulls his mask off, and I narrow my eyes and look into the devil. They eyes that don't belong to be in this world. Belong to be in the darkest cell imaginable locked far far away.


Authors Note: Cliffhanger! Bet you'd thought I'd forgotten about Gale right?

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Until next time, May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favor.

~ talishapeople

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