Pity Party

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The blaring sound of the police sirens woke up Melanie. She sat up and rubbed her eyes alarmed to hear police on her street. She pulled on a satiny white robe and ran to the window. She pushed the frilly blue and pink curtains out of the way and peered outside onto the street below. What she saw shook her. Police where bustling about the yard of the older lady who lived across the street from her. Their blue uniforms standing out from the stark white of her house. Yellow police tape bordered the property and blood spattered the driveway. There was no person laying upon the driveway, but at the foot of an ambulance stood a stretcher with a white sheet covering a shape similar to a person.

Melanie whipped away from the window, ran to her closet and whipped threw it open finding clothes. She settled for a fluffy sparkly pink skirt and a purple crop top. She pulled on some flats and ran out of her room. She raced down several flights of stairs. She reached the door and pulled open the deadbolt and some chain locks. As the door was pulled open a a flurry of light and sound and met her senses. 

"Hello miss." she looked up and saw an officer standing on her pathway.

"Hello officer. What happened?"

"I'm afraid the little lady was shot."


"I'm afraid so. As this is a murder investigation, were interviewing people on the street. Mind if I have a word with you?"

"Of course not. Come on in." She tucked her half teal half black hair behind her ear and pushed the door open for the officer. "Just come this way." The inside of her house completely contradicted the outside. Where the outside looked dark and gloomy and old, the inside was a bunch of modern style furniture and lots of colors. Despite the strangeness of it, it was rather pleasant. The officer sat down on a plasticy pale pink chair and Melanie sat down on the chair oppiste to it which was baby blue.

"So whats your name ma'am." he said as he pulled a notepad out of his pocket.

"Melanie Martinez. Age 23. Date of birth April 23rd 1995"

"Well that was more than i asked for." He looked up suspiciously.

"You were going to ask me anyway. Might as well get it out of the way in one sentence."

"I suppose," he muttered. "How well did you know Ms. Higgens?"

"I visited her sometimes. I baked her cookies and helped her with her groceries."

"You made her cookies?"

"Yes sir"

"And when was the last time you baked cookies for her?"

"I suppose about a week ago."

"I see. And how many?"

"2 dozen. Why are you so interested in cookies?"

"Because you see, she was poisoned. And the poison was in her for a while before she was shot. It wasnt very strong so it just made her feel ill"

"And you think I did it?!"

"Anything is a possibility in murder. I happen to know she was a rich woman and that it was widely known around here."

"And you think I need money? Look around you!"

"I am aware of the state of this... mansion. I think this will be all Miss. Martinez." He stood up and brushed off invisible lint. "I can show myself out." He walked to the door. Melanie could not see him as he rounded the corner but heard the door open then slam shut. She looked out the window and saw him talking to another officer. He gestured to the house and the other officer nodded. They set off down her driveway. One of them paused to peer in pristine white cooper. He said something to the other and he peered into the window with him. He took out a camera and took a picture of something and then together they moved on.


Melanie sat on her bed flipping through her book of film. She loved to take pictures. But only film photography. She paused at one strip of film. It had spatters of blood on it. She sighed and took it out of the sleeve. She crossed the room to a fireplace and dropped the film in it. As it shriveled and burned, she caught one last fleeting glimpse of Ms. Higgens.

She walked out the door and trooped down to the kitchen to make some tea. As she the tea boiled she looked around her house. The sound of nothingness reached her ears. The empty feeling of being alone tingled in her body. She sighed and said to herself, "Did my invitations disappear? Tell me why the hell no one is here." She poured the tea from the steaming kettle into a pastel yellow teacup and sat down to drink. As she sat down she was aware of a feeling that she was being watched. She looked up abruptly. She saw a figure standing outside her window. He was wearing a black hoodie and black jeans. He had on black gloves and black boots. The hood was pulled up so it shielded his face. He held a silver pistol in his hand. He waved it at her then stepped back and melted into the shadows of the house. Melanie stood up abruptly knocking over her tea. The shattering china cut her leg. She scrambled to staunch the flow. She stood up again, stared outside looking for any signs of the man. A slight breeze rippled the bushes an she swore she could see the fleeting image of a human shape turning into someones back yard.

so uhh hows this so far guys? Thanks to anyone reading it ILY ^u^

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