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A/N: ITS HEATING UP! I hope you guys are enjoying the story! Please comment and vote! I would love to hear from you guys! Next chapter will be out soon! As always thank you so much dear readers for reading my story 💕!
Jace's POV

It figures that asshat is the reason EJ is in her current state. I never really thought he would ever take his shitty ways to this level but I guess there really isn't any end to how shitty a person can be.

Standing outside of the bathroom with a naked EJ splashing around in the bathtub, I can feel my blood boiling.

I mean what the hell, did Adam really think I was that much of a sleaze. What did he think I was going to do? Take advantage of EJ? Anyone can see she's in no position to consent, how fucked up does he think I am? I'm pissed that he would think I would do anything to her but I'm even more pissed that he had no problem allowing EJ to be in a position where she could potentially be taken advantage of!

It's not like you haven't thought about storming back into that bathroom and taking what you want, you're not innocent.

Yeah, of course I've thought about it, but I would never do it. That's so fucked up.

No one would know, you could just do it and she probably wouldn't even remember.

That's so fucked. I would know! I would know that I took that from her. I would want her to remember if we ever did something like that. I want her to be able to enjoy it. I wouldn't be able to enjoy it if she didn't consent anyway.

I know I cant send her back home like this! Her mom would have a freak out. I have to think quickly. I'm going to text her mom.

Me: Hey Mrs. Hills, I just wanted to let you know that EJ fell asleep on my couch, we were watching The Princess Bride, like old times! Is it okay if she stays over? I would hate to wake her.

Wow lying to her mom, niceeeee.

She will thank me later, hopefully her mom says that it is okay. She's probably still up waiting for EJ to come home.

Mrs. Hills: Yes, that's fine, I trust you! Thank you so much for looking out for her. Can't wait to see you next week! :)

See everything is okay. Now all I have to deal with is EJ. How hard can it be.

"Hey Aceyyyyy" there she is now. I'm almost worried that she isn't wearing those towels. I'm going to put the bandana back on.

"Aceyy I'm so tiredddd! Let's go to bed. Also take that stuff off your head." Her voice had a whiny tinge to it, like she was a little kid.

"I'm not taking this off until I know that you have a towel on." I cant run the risk of seeing more of EJ then I already have.

"Fineee mister I'll put the towel on. Meanie." I hear her wrapping the towel around herself and I can feel myself gravitating closer to her.

"There, let me take that off." She says as she takes off the bandana and immediately I am floored.

EJs wet red hair is pushed to one shoulder and the only thing separating me and EJs naked body is a soft olive green towel. The color suiting EJ perfectly.

You did this on purpose didn't you. You picked that color because you knew it would make her look like this.

No I swear, I was basically blindfolded when I chose it.

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