I'm Here For You

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The next morning a knock rang through the room, jumping Shadow from her rest and making her grown as her body shot with pain. The door opened and Katie was standing in the middle of the room ready for her test, but the didn't chain her. The men went straight to Shadow and picked her up from her bed, but Shadow and Katie's tests alternated days. 

Having no windows, the fluorescent lights turning off and their tests were the only way Shadow kept track of time. Katie studdard in confusion and Shadow wined in pain, her body not recovered yet. The men said nothing as they left the room and closed the door, leaving a confused and frightened Katie to pray for her sister.

Shadow was placed on the table but this time Shadow squirmed and struggled a bit, not wanting to feel any more pain. She was strapped down and had a cloth stuffed into her mouth, tears already filling her eyes. The doctor came in with the same men from before, this time the counter was lined with blades and medicine. 

Shadow was used to these materials but they also glowed, this time yellow. Shadow didn't know what to expect and she winced as she felt a blade on her left ankle joint. A scream erupted from her as the blade carved a chunk of skin, picking up her leg the wrong way he carved all around.

Shadow didn't even know what was happening. They went from joint to joint cutting away all the skin around it. They did both her legs and at this point, Shadow couldn't hear through the pounding in her ears. Her vision was surrounded in black, pain was the only thing her body could understand. The men picked her up again and took her to her room, dropping her on the bed. 

Shadow felt Katie grab her shoulder only to be pulled away. Shadow didn't understand, Katie was her comfort, her friend, why were they taking her? The men had pulled Katie away to keep her from disrupting the doctor's work. They felt and Shadow felt so much pain and emotional need, but Katie couldn't touch her. Katie did the only thing she could to help Shadow, she sang, she sang for a long time till Shadow finally fell asleep.

The next day it didn't surprise Shadow when she was picked up and taken to the table. Shadow didn't struggle, she didn't speak, she didn't even move her eyes. She was coursing with so much pain she couldn't even try to do anything. That was till the cutting began again, starting with her left wrist. She screamed through all her wrist and most of her elbow, but soon her voice cut out and her head lolled to the side. Her will and energy were gone and she just stopped functioning, all she could comprehend was pain. 

Shadow came back to reality when she woke up in her room. She looked around and saw Katie curled up in her bed in the fetal position. Shadow tried to move to comfort her but she was quickly reminded of her current state. Katie noticed Shadows movement and looked up to her big sister. Despite her raw and shredded throat, Shadow knew Katie needed her.

"Hey, come here."

Shadows voice was a whisper and sounded like it was stretched wisps of leaves. Katie quickly got up and rushed to Shadow.

"No, pleases don't say anything, you're in to much pain."

Shadow let out a soundless giggle.

"Doesn't matter, you need me, take my hand."

"But I can't, if I touch you, they said they would take you from me."

Shadow thought for a moment.

"Hold my cheek, they haven't messed with my fa-."

Shadows voice completely cut as she tried to say face but her abused throat just couldn't hold any longer. Katie understood and placed a shaky hand on her cheek, rubbing her thumb over her heated skin. Shadow closed her eyes and let Katie take in her wrath and comfort as she tried to calm down. Soon Katie was alright and began to sing to Shadow to help her back asleep. 

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