May 22, 1977

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It was a hot day in San Jose, and the new neighbour had settled in for the year. Millie Martini had been looking for a job for the last couple of days after moving in. A friend of her's, Cheyenne Howler, a vixen magician, had suggested that she work at the new place called Chuck E. Cheese's.

"I don't know if this is the right thing to do, Cheyenne, I'm only twenty years old. I mean, who would work at a pizza-game place thing with kids?" She says worryingly to the fox. Cheyenne gives Millie a pat on her head and holds Millie's hand in her's.
"You'll do fine. Of course there may be rowdy kids, but I'm sure the owner would love to have some help to get the place up and running! Let me call him right now", Cheyenne tells the uneasy mouse.

"N-no! No, not right now, I can wait until tomorrow morning. I'll go over there myself. They always say that if you call owners before meeting them, it's very rude", Millie says. She pulls her hands away from Cheyenne and crosses her arms as she gazes out of the window in her empty home. Cheyenne layed her ears back and looked around the home in confusion. She then had a bright idea, "Millie? Why don't I pick you up tomorrow morning for coffee at the diner, then we can go get you applied for that restaraunt? How about that?"

Millie replied, "Uh-huh, I'll be glad. Maybe it'll help me out."

Cheyenne smiled and left the home. Millie on the other hand, stayed and listened to her Buddy Holley records all night long while she put her house in order.

'Tomorrow is a new day', she thought.

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