Chapter 1

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People always tell me that I have peculiar eyes. That's always the first thing that people notice about me. So when I woke up on a couch in a dusty room with Elena. All of a sudden a guy came running in about how someone is here. This girl with a pixie hair cut came in and started talking about how they were family she said she was going to get him. When she came back in there was a guy that was really cute I pretended to be asleep I could hear what sounded like air.

The guy was saying something about it being impossible. I just kept pretending to be asleep and I heard the guy bend down to see me and I opened my eyes a little and it surprised me at how close he was. So I may have accidentally punched him in the nose. He just looked at me in the eyes and had a look of surprise. I was scared of what he was going to do since I punched him so I was cowering against the couch.

He looked at me and was in awe is the only way I could explain it. He then turned to the pixie cut girl and said: "Where did you find her?" She looked at me and said: "We found her with the doppelganger when she was on the sidewalk." He looked at me and asked, "What's your name ma beauté?" I didn't know what to say so I lied and said: "Allison Wilkins." He looked at me and I could tell that he knew I was lying. I was scared and he just stood up and held his hand out to me.

I was confused at first, but then I looked at his face and he was just looking at me expectantly I slowly took my hand and placed it in his hand and then he grabbed Elena and she was snapped out of her thoughts. She glared at me and I was confused as to why. We were just about to leave when this mysterious man said he had to do one more thing. He went over to the guy that was sniffing Elena's neck and he was talking to him and because I was spacing out I couldn't hear them.

Then all of a sudden I see the guys head on the ground I heard Rose (pixie cut girl) she just started crying. The mystery guy came over to Elena and was trying to grab her arm she backed away all the way up against the wall. She started talking to the dude about the moonstone and where he can get it. I finally told her to shut up because she was going to get us killed. They guy just looked at me and let go of Elena and asked: "Who are you ma beauté?" I just looked at him and didn't say a word I didn't want to tell him who I was or he might kill me. Elena looked at me and had a smirk on her face she turned to him and said: "She's my older sister her name is Nova Gilbert you have no use for her so why don't you take me instead of her." I looked at her and I had hurt in my eyes I knew she didn't like me but that was just mean. Elijah looked at her with hard eyes and a nasty glare that anyone would be scared of he said: "I will take you but you won't be for me you'll be fr someone else to deal with." I was scared of who that other person was and from all this information I fainted.

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