Chapter 3

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I looked up at Elijah and asked "Was that one of my other mates? One of your brothers?" He just nodded his head and smiled at me and finally after a little bit of silence came and sat down beside me.

He sat down and pulled me down onto his lap and just held me close and I fell asleep on him just listening to him type on his phone. When I woke up again I was in a bedroom that had silk sheets and had a very comfy mattress.

I got out of the bed and decided since I was in dirty clothes I wanted to change out of them so I went into the closet and saw a black button up shirt. I put it on and started walking towards the door I looked out and saw no one, but I did see a door that was open just a little bit and with some light from it.

I started walking to the door very slowly and quietly I didn't want to alarm someone so I finally slowed my breathing. I made it to the door and peaked inside there was no one in there I opened the door a bit more and walked inside.

I walked over to an empty canvas and was looking around at what was in the room and saw so many pictures. All of them were lovelier than the last and I before I knew it I was crying because you could see the hard work that was put in to these.

All of a sudden I heard the door close and I froze right on the spot I didn't know what to do or what to say to the person who had just stepped in here with me. The person that was in here growled a little and I suddenly was turned right around and was looking into these beautiful eyes that were mysterious and cold but held many secrets.

He just looked at me with shock written all over his face I just looked at him and I finally got the courage to actually talk to him. "I'm sorry I came in here it was just open and I was curious as to what was here. I'm Nova it's nice to meet you who are you?"

He just kept looking at me and I didn't know what to do so I just tried getting around him, but before I could he grabbed my arm and pulled me back into him he put his head right in my neck and started swaying us. I was so confused on what he was doing that I was just kind of letting him do it because I didn't know what to do.

I waited a few minutes and then I asked him his name again what his name was and he finally said something, but it was muffled for me and I couldn't hear him so I asked what he said. He lifted his head a bit and said: "My name is Niklaus Mikaelson but you can call me anything."

"So your Elijah's brother are you the one that I talked with on the phone?" I asked "Yes I am love and might I say you are even more exquisite then I could have ever imagined." I felt the warmness in my cheeks before he probably saw it.

I was just looking down when I heard someone walk in and I looked up and saw Elijah there in the door way. He came over to us and put my head between his hands and just looked at my red cheeks and I didn't know what to do either at this point so I made sure that my eyes were anywhere but him.

Finally Niklaus let me go and I was able to stretch my legs and I can honestly say it felt amazing. I cracked my neck, but not my knuckles because I hate when people do that and it just creeps me out.

I looked at Elijah and asked him where the kitchen was he started walking out and without even looking back at me he did the come hither motion with his finger. And girls I don't know about you, but I can say that was a turn on.

I walked to the door and waited for him to start moving he kept looking at my eyes and I just waited. For him to start walking to wherever the kitchen was he just kept looking at me and finally he kind of shook his head and started walking to what I assumed was the sunroom even though I asked for the kitchen.

I was right because what we walked into had a lot of windows and we had a few couches and chairs to sit on. They sat down on a few chairs and I was going to sit on a chair next to them.

That was my plan anyway, but then Elijah pulled me down on his lap. I tried getting up and also tried going to Niklaus, but again Elijah wouldn't let me so I looked at Niklaus and he just looked amused I gave him a 'you suck' look.

Finally Elijah had enough and just turned me around so I was straddling his lap and kept me tight to him I started blushing profusely. I looked at Nik to help me and again he just looked amused.

I looked at Nik and just gave him the bird he didn't find that funny, but I sure did. He looked at me with a little bit of anger in his eyes all I did was look at him innocently I don't think he liked that very much because he got up and bent down to my level.

He put his pointer finger and thumb on my chin and made me look him in the eyes and he showed me his vampire face all I did was lean in and kiss his cheek. When I backed up he looked so surprised then he gave me a smile and I just gave him a cheeky smile.

I turned to Elijah and gave him a kiss on the cheek too and I could tell he liked it because he looked at me with a smirk. I looked at the time and it was 11:03 and I looked at them and said: "I'm going back home because it's been a very long day so I'm going to sleep so bye!"

Nik turned to me and shook his head no and told me "Your not going home because I want to keep an eye on you after I just found you. Elijah and I shall let you borrow some of our clothes."

I just sighed and nodded my head I thought it would be better to not argue with him on this. I tried getting up off Elijah's lap and I succeeded for a short time, but then I was thrown over someone's shoulder and I loved what I saw.

Niklaus had a smirk on his face "See something you like love?" I just nodded my head and he slapped my ass and said: "Words pup." I just said hell yeah.

They took me to the bedroom I woke up in earlier and gave me boxer shorts and a button up shirt. I could tell the shirt was Elijah's so I went to the bathroom to change when I came back out they were both in their boxers and I just slid in between the two.

When I was just drifting off I heard two voices say: "Good night pup." Good night Mon Amour." I fell asleep with a smile on my face and dreaming of sweet times with my little brother.

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