Chapter 6

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We had finally finished eating and I was cleaning the dishes when I heard the front door open and close then someone walk into the kitchen I looked at who it was and saw someone I didn't know I was scared for a min and my heart rate was rising. I guess everyone heard it because they came in and froze when they saw who was in the kitchen with us she looked at them and smiled and said: "Hello children I have missed you all so dearly." Klaus looked scared a little and said: "Mother what are you doing here? Have you finally came here to kill me?" She laughed a little and shook her head no and told him "No Niklaus I want us to be a family again all of us including your mate."

She then looked at me and smiled at me, but I thought I saw something in her eyes that held hate or something close to it, but then it was gone like it was never there I smiled at her and thought it was just something I saw, but something in me told me to not trust her. She turned to her kids and she said she wanted to talk to all of us now that she was back with them and beckoned for me to follow. We all went to the sunroom and sat down Nik and Finn on the couch and me in the middle of them and Kol, Bex, and Elijah on the couch next to us then their mother on the chair across from us.

She started talking about wanting to do a ball to be friendly to everyone in town and to meet everyone and make friends with the mayor. I was getting excited a little and you could tell because my hands started fidgeting and I guess Finn was getting a tiny bit annoyed because he then grabbed my hands and had them stop when we were all done talking I looked at Bex and we got excited then said: "You grab the purses I'll grab my car keys and we can go grab Jeremy and then we'll go get dresses and tux for him!"

She quickly flashed upstairs I ran to get my shoes and a jacket and got both on grabbed the keys and was out the door with Bex behind me and I guess Kol wanted to join because he was hopping in the truck with me and I started it and we we're off to my house to grab Jeremy we rolled up and I put my window down and put half my body out the car honked the horn and Jeremy came running out and got on my side of the car. Then we were off to the mall in the next town over to go get tux's and dresses for us for the ball that was happening.

We had finally made it and Kol and Jeremy had gotten closer since they were close in age I guess then we went in and went our separate ways and we would meet up later for food Bex had color coordinated the boys' ties to match my dress the ties colors were a navy blue. Bex and I were on our fourth dress store and she had found hers, but I hadn't at least not yet so finally when we walked in we went straight for my sizes and started looking for the Navy Blues and finally I saw the perfect dress that was amazing and I grabbed Bex's hand and dragged her over to the dress and asked what she thought instead of answering she had me try it on and when I came out she was so happy then she shook her head yes.

We had bought the dress and the heels to go with it we had met up with the boys at the food court and had gotten our food Kol was looking hungry but not for our type of food so I looked at him and motioned for my neck and then to a dark corner of the food court where no one would see us. He smiled and flashed us somewhere else that was dark to where I could barely see him and he had his face go to my neck and started on his dinner, but as soon as he tasted my blood he groaned and he grabbed me closer and I could feel something poking my thigh and I didn't know what it was.

I poked his shoulder and said: "Uh Kol what's in your pocket? Is it your phone or is it something else?" As soon as I was done with my sentence he quickly pulled away and bit his wrist and put it to my mouth and then he had me heal from the bite and then flashed me back to where everyone was and then he was gone and I was sitting in my seat with his jacket around me. After about maybe 20 mins or something close to it he was back and sitting down with me and we all finished eating but Bex kept looking at Kol and just giggles or laughed a little and he would glare at her I didn't get it.

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