2. Camp grounded

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''You're sure I don't have to carry that up for you?'' said Bree's mother, running disapproving eyes over us both. She frowned when she looked at our arms and shoulders full of bags, back packs and pillows.

''For Pete's sake, Mom.'' Bree rolled her eyes. ''Do you see any other parent of a senior walking them up to the cabins?''

I smothered a grin, pressing my lips firmly together.

Bree's mother looked around. The forest was full of parents, hugging and kissing their kids goodbye. She hesitated just a brief moment, before she walked up to me and laid her hand on my shoulder. ''Keep an eye on her for me, will you?''

I nodded.

''Mom! I'm sixteen!''

''Not yet, young lady, you still have two months to go.'' She walked over to Bree and pulled her into a tight hug. ''That makes you a junior.'' She sighed wearily. ''No boys, no alcohol, certainly no drugs.'' She pointed an accusing finger at the both of us.

''Yeah Mom.''

''Sure, Miss Jensen.''

''And have fun.''

''Bye,'' we said in unison.

Bree's mother stepped into the car, shot us one last melancholic smile and a wave, before she slowly drove off.

''Finally,'' Bree said with a sigh.

''She's okay.'' I raised an eyebrow and nodded aside to a girl with weird clothes and thick glasses quickly walking up the hill towards the camp leaders. Her father and mother were just two steps behind her, following her hastily as if they were not ready to let her go.

''Probably a junior.''

''What's a junior?'' I slowly started walking up the hill. Although I could bask in the sun all day, I first wanted to get rid of the heavy bags and my too tight jeans.

''Age thirteen to fifteen.'' She shrugged. "The cabins are grouped by age, camp rules.'''

''Well, I sure hope I'm not in a cabin with—''


Bree grabbed me by the arm, pulling me back. The travel bag slid from my shoulder and flopped on the ground with a heavy thunk.

''Juice! There he is.'' Her voice suddenly raised an octave, her cheeks turned deep red and her hand tightening around my arm as if it was some kind of squishy.

''Where?'' It was a stupid question, I would have recognized him even if he was standing in a dense crowd at a concert. Yeah, he looked good. He was exactly as Bree described him to be; too damn perfect.

''Oh my gosh, we'll have to wait until he has left. I can't meet him looking like this.''

''I don't think so.'' I lunged for my bag and slung it over my shoulder. ''I'm in desperate need for some shorts.'

*Yeah, we'll go to Juice. But what I really want is to go to Bones... More words to write to get there, but soon he will be in the picture too. Do you like it so far? If so, please shout out, if not, shout out too.*

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