Chapter 1 - The struggle

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Gregorio's POV:

Here I am, sitting with the other guests and listening what the priest says to Angie and German and I'm about to explode in anger but I'm holding it back as I always do.

- German Castillo, do you take Angeles Carrara as your lawful wedded wife?

- I do - said German with a huge smile across his face while looking at Angie.

I can understand him.... I would be the same if I were him.

- Angeles Carrara, do you take German Castillo as your lawful wedded husband? - asked the priest, now looking at Angie.

I wished she'd say no. But that never happened.

- I do - she replied, smiling happily also.

She said it and my heart broke. All I could do was take a deep breath and I couldn't even watch them kissing, now as husband and wife.

 Call me selfish, a jerk, grumpy or however you want to but I don't care! Maybe it's hard to believe but I have feelings and I fell in love with her months earlier when she came back to Buenos Aires. I don't know why... I just did.

She changed so much and she made me a happier person everyday when she came to work in the Studio and I loved being around her. I loved and I still do.

The wedding was a struggle for me to watch but I had to be there. I had to be there because Angie was counting on me. I'm her friend after all.

- Thank you for coming, Gregorio... - she said a few minutes before the wedding.

She was already dressed up. She looked so beautiful in her wedding dress it fit perfectly on her and it was her style. Goddmanit...

- No need to thank me... - I said to her then pulled her into a hug and whispered to her - You look beautiful... German is a very lucky man to have you...

Now I felt she was shaking and tightened the hug.

- Angie... - said suddenly Pablo - It's time...

I didn't want to let her go but I had to. I had to because it was time to go.

- I must admit I'm a bit scared... - she whispered into my ear.

- There's no reason... He loves you and you love him... This is all that matters - I said before letting go of her.

After that I found a place and sat down but I barely could watch or hear everything. Luckily it wasn't so long and after the ceremony the party started so I decided to not to be sad and feeling sorry for myself but trying to be happy for Angie.

This was three months ago.

Nowadays Angie is only coming over to the Studio few days a week because she needs to take care of Julietta, her  four months old daughter.

I've seen her a few time already and I admit she's really cute. She had Angie's beautiful smile and German's brown eyes.

They are good parents. I can see that. Julietta's happy, Angie's happy and this is all thanks to German.

Also I'm a bit afraid that Angie after a while will not come to the Studio anymore. Since her husband can give her anything that she or her daughter needs.

I'm struggling with these thoughts for a year now and I feel like I'm becoming my old, grumpy self again that everyone hates. But I don't care!

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