Still loving you

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About two weeks had passed, me and Hoseok were getting ready to go in a day or two. "Are you sure you want to come?" He asked. I nodded. "He'll... he'll be happier." I said trying not to cry. Hoseok nodded. Then we continued our days.

I tried to spend as much time with Yoongi as I could before we left. But it was hard because of work.

The night before we left, I woke up at 6:00am with Hoseok. I put my necklace and ring he had given me in high school, on my bedside table with a note. Then I took my luggage over by the door. I looked at Yoongi sleeping peacefully. I kissed him.

Goodbye Yoongi... I love you. I hope you're happier.

I thought then I left with Hoseok. We were about to get on the plane when Hoseok stopped me. "Are you really sure you want to come with me?" He asked. I felt the tears in my eyes. "If I don't... he'll be miserable and unhappy forever. I just want to do what's best for him..." I said then tears spilled down my face. Hoseok hugged me and nodded. Then we got on the plane and headed to New York.

Yoongi's POV:

I woke up and noticed that Y/n was gone. I went downstairs and she was gone. I knew Hoseok, her brother, had left to go to New York. But I searched for a while before I started calling her phone. No answer. Then I went back to our room, and I looked around and all her things were gone. And on her bedside table was the necklace and ring I gave her when we were in high school, along with a note. The note read;

"My dearest Yoongi,
I left along with Hoseok to go to New York. I'm sorry, but I know you'll be happier without me as BaeSoo promised she would take great care of you. I miss you and I'm sorry. I love you so much and I only want what's best for you. I know you were unhappy with me, and I'm sorry for putting you through that. I love you more than you can believe but I hope BaeSoo will bring you more happiness than I ever could.   -Love Y/n"

As soon as I read the letter, I dropped to the floor and started crying. I cried my eyes and heart out. Then... I smelled something... cooking? How? Y/n isn't here to cook.

I went downstairs and saw BaeSoo cooking breakfast. I was confused. "Heyyy, Yoongi bear. I'm making you breakfast." She said. I didn't want her. "What are you doing here??" I asked. She smiled. "I'm your girlfriend, silly." She said. I sighed. I was still sad about Y/n leaving so I needed some way of coping. So I let her stay.

Author POV:

2 years later...

Y/n POV:

I was working as a photographer, and was sent by my boss back to Seoul where I grew up. I was supposed to be meeting up with my new partner. So naturally, I was exited to find out who it was, we were meeting at a little cafe.

I arrived and went straight to the cafe. I saw a very tall man with a camera and sunglasses on. I assumed that was him so I walked over. "Hi! Are you my photography partner?" I asked while smiling. He smiled and took off his shades. I immediately recognized who it was. "Y/n?? Is that you??" He asked. I smiled and hugged him. "Jungkook! I haven't seen you since high school! Ah, how are you?" He said. "I'm great. Me and Hoseok moved to New York on our own, and he's completely cured!" I said happily. He smiled. "That's great. So.. how are you and Yoongi?" He asked. I sighed. "Oh.. well I haven't seen him... in two years." I said. "Oh... I'm so sorry." He said while hugging me. I smiled. "No. It's okay." I said. We talked for a while before I went to a park to stay before I got an apartment to rent.

I was sitting in the park when I heard something. Someone sighed. I looked around, and there was a guy... a guy sitting and drawing a girl, and mumbling something. "Y/n..." he mumbled. I thought he said my name but wasn't for sure. After a few minutes he said it again. "Y/n... I... I miss you.." he mumbled. This time I knew he was sobbing and saying my name. So I walked up to him and knelt down to his level. "S-sir..? Are you alright?" I asked. He looked up and I never thought I would be him. "Y/n?" He asked. I started crying and nodding. "Yoongi?" I asked. Then we hugged each other. "I missed you!" I said. "Then.. then why did you leave me?" He asked. "Aren't you happier with BaeSoo?" I asked. He looked surprised. "No... we broke up two years ago. It's just been me.." He said. I started crying harder. I hugged him tight. "Oh, I'm so so sorry!! I thought you were so unhappy with me!" I said. He hugged me back. "No! You made me the happiest person on earth!" He said. I felt happy when he said that. "Do you... do you want to come back to me and try us again?" He asked. I smiled and cried harder. "Yes! Yes I would!" I said.

And then we've been together ever since then. And I love him so so much.

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