Chapter 2

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I walked into homeroom and heard someone call my name. When I looked I saw Claire. She waved me over and pointed at a chair beside her.

Claire yelled at two people as they walked into homeroom. They sat down in front of us. "Hello. I'm Stella and this is Tom."

"Sup," Tom said. "How ya doin'?"

I laughed at how country he sounded.

"He's from Alabama." Stella said as I looked at him. he made a weird face like it was a bad thing.

The teacher walked in and looked around until he saw me.

"Hi I'm Mr. Wright you must be Charlie," he said.

"Yes sir," I said like I was in the military . I looked at Stella and she was trying not to laugh at me.

"What," I say in a whisper.

"You are the first one to ever smart off to him and not get in trouble.

"Must be because I'm the new kid?" It came out more as a question.


In 9th period I sat in the only empty seat in the very back. After that I kinda zoned out till I heard the teacher talking about a project. We have to take care of a baby doll and treat it like a real baby. The teacher started pairing us up I was with a boy named Eric.

Some boy sat down next to me. When I looked up he started talking to me.

"Hi. I'm Eric."

"Charlie," I said. OH MY GOD he was hot, tall, brown hair, and the most beautiful green eyes ever, and I mean EVER.

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