On Saturday, at 3-pm sharp, Solas arrived at the house that he was told the man lived in. He just really hoped he wasn't about to be kidnapped and killed. 

Raising a hand, he knocked on the door and it opened to reveal a tall man with dark hair and baby blue eyes, he smiled which showed perfectly straight white teeth. 

"Hi there! You the guitarist guy for three?" 

"...I am, Names Solas" 

"Razor" The man introduced himself then stepped aside for Solas to enter the room which was a cozy looking room with a blue haired boy his age sleeping on a couch curled up in what must've been at least three blankets with a larger man sitting in a chair, clearly half drunk and clutching a bottle of vodka. His green eyes blinking at Solas before he grinned languidly, raising his bottle to Solas, 

"Hey its the guy from the phone!" 

"...Hi" Solas couldn't help the squeak his voice came out as and Razor walked over to the other blue boy, shaking him awake which he did not look pleased at until he saw Solas and gave a purr, 

"Who's this handsome guy?" 

"Solas Collins" The drunk stated and took a drink, "Hopefully our new guitarist" 

"I'm Nero O'Dwyer" The other blue haired man purred, stretching out like a cat before pointing to the drunk who seemed busy with his bottle again, "And that's Damien Grove" 

"Damien the drunk" Razor said and Damien moved the bottle to wink at Razor, before looking back at Solas, 

"Alright, do your thing little buddy" 

Solas swallowed and then started to set up his guitar, strumming a few experimental cords to see that everything was set up properly and then started to play a song that his father Noel would always sing to him to get him to sleep. Hey Jude.

The tune seemed to almost lull Damien to sleep, Nero watching with sleepy but interested eyes and Razor was at full attention, as though he was looking for any slip ups and when he found none by the end of the song, he smiled brightly. 

"Can you play anything else? Something more fast paced?" 

Solas nodded at Razor's request and started to play another one of his Pop's favorites. Blitzkrieg Bop. His fingers strumming quickly while the other three watched, Damien through half lidded eyes. 

When he finished, all three clapped. Nero lazily and sleepily, Damien uncoordinated and drunkenly and Razor with much more enthusiasm, he looked to his companions, 

"So what do we think fellas?" 

"Think we've found our new guitarist" Nero said, stretching out then burrowing into his blankets again, Damien flashed a grin, 

"I agree with Nero" 

"Damien you're drunk" 

Damien held up a finger, "Buzzed, I'm not a lightweight like you are Razor". 

Rolling his eyes, Razor smiled at Solas, "Looks like you're in bud! Our next tour is in three months so you have till then to learn the songs...if you're cool with that" 

"Hey, gives me something to do" Solas laughed and nodded, Razor getting up and going off to bring back a notebook, 

"This is Damien's notebook, it has all the timing to songs, all the notes so you should be fine" 

"Thanks Razor" Solas said as he took the book, "I'd better get back, my dads will be worried" 

"Alright, seeya" Nero said, curling up again and Razor waved, Damien winking at him and blowing him a kiss before purring in a voice, "Welcome to the land of gathering pretty boy" which made Solas blush and leave quickly with his guitar and the notebook. 

He couldn't help the smile that crossed his face as he walked down the sidewalk, he was in a band. He couldn't wait to tell his dads.  

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