1) Here We Go!

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(Alexanders POV)

I wave out to the audience after another successful performance. "Thank you! Good night!" The curtain falls and I hear the sounds of people getting up, grabbing their stuff, and walking out the door. I walk offstage and head straight to the dressing room to pack up.

Thing is, I play the lead role in the musical 'In The Heights', a musical I wrote. I've worked so hard for this musical, there have been times I fell asleep in the theatre. So I finally did what my fellow actors told me to do and took a break. I'm headed to Mexico tomorrow morning for a vacation.

I hear a knock at the door. "Hang on!" I quickly throw on a hoodie with our play logo on it. "Okay, I'm decent!" The door opens and in walks George.

George Washington, great actor. He plays Benny in the show and acts as the Dad friend in the cast most of the time. "Great job tonight, Al." He said, patting me on the back. "Thanks." "You have fun on your vacation, don't miss us too much." "Heh, just make sure no one goes batshit-crazy while I'm gone." I joked as I left the dressing room. "Don't worry, me and Javier got things under control. You go and relax with your little coconut cup in the hammock and everything."

Javier Muñoz, my understudy and the toughest guy I know. He survived HIV, that's one of the most badass things I heard! He's a great actor and friend, and he keeps things running when I'm gone. As I put all the stuff I need for Mexico in my bag, my phone, laptop, notepad, Karen walks over to me.

Karen Olivo, she plays Vanessa in the show. I gotta kiss her eight times a week. Holla!

"Hey, just wanted to say two things. One, have a great vacation, two, watch out for sharks in the ocean." I nodded. "Thanks for the tip, but I ain't leaving yet."

I stepped out the stage door to people clapping and cheering. Me and Karen signed Playbills. "You get a Playbill, you get a Playbill, everyone gets a Playbill!" I said in my best Oprah voice. Everyone laughed. After signing, I went back inside to grab my stuff and wait for the crowd to disperse. "Alright, guys. I'm leaving. No wild parties, no letting strangers in, and don't forget to order more Playbills for next week!" "Yeah, yeah, yeah. And we'll be sure to eat our vegetables and clean our rooms, yada, yada, yada, go have fun! You're stalling!" George said, taking off his tie. "I'll call you when I land tommorow!" After that, I left and I hailed a taxi to my apartment building.

I live in Jackson Heights, I mean, I made a whole show on how much I like it. My stomach growled, I hadn't had anything since breakfast. Well, I had water and gum before the show but I'm not sure if that counts. The taxi stops at a red light in front of a Wendy's. "Um, excuse me. Can you just drop me off here?" I asked the driver. He nodded and I opened the door. I gave him the fare, he nodded his head as a goodbye and drove off when the light turned green. I waved as he drove into the distance.

I headed into the Wendy's to see a few select people sitting in various areas of the restaurant. I head up to the counter. "Hi, welcome to Wendy's!"

"Hi, can I take a burger with medium fries and a diet Coke?" The woman nodded and looked up. "Oh my God, I saw you at the Richard Rodgers Theater. You're-you're...." She shakily pointed her finger towards me, her mouth agape. "Yes, 'tis me in all my glory." I joked with a smile.

"Uh, that will be thirteen dollars, sir." I smiled and handed her a ten dollar bill and three singles. "I loved 'In The Heights', me and my husband saw it a couple weeks ago, it's amazing, you're amazing, oh my God." She rambled. "I'll go get your food." She went off into the kitchen. I sat down at a nearby table alone, I noticed a woman in blue by the window writing in a book. She looked straight at me and we locked eyes for a six seconds. She smiled and I smiled back. I swear she looked familiar.

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