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(Alexs POV)

Eliza was thriving at her new job, she began saving up for a new apartment with my help. She still stopped by the theater and my apartment, she made time, even when she was in the midst of a big case. I was still awaiting word for Tony nominations, and all the while, I WAS STILL STUCK ON THAT DUMB SONG! 

I got something, but at the same time, nothing. Just along the lines of 'shooty, shooty, shooty, shooty, shooty, SHOT!' I haven't worked out the details yet. Jesus, am I even cut out to be a writer? I'm surprised I've gotten this far in life!

I was working at my computer while the TV blared senseless news in the background. But I heard something that caught my attention.

"In related Broadway news, the popular musical by the late Jonathan Larson, 'Rent', has announced its closure after being open on Broadway for over twelve years. The last performance is set for September ninth this year, and there have been rumors it will be recorded for viewing entertainment."

I was aghast. My favorite show? Closing?! No, nope, Can't be. Ohhhhhh god.......I'm getting dizzy, walls closing in.....gotta find Eliza.....

I ran out my apartment and ran straight for Elizas. I got to her door and jammed the key in. We have keys to each other apartments so we can stop by whenever. I opened the door to see her and Angelica on the couch, painting nails. "Hey Alex!" I just went straight to the kitchen, opened the freezer, and began eating the last of the rocky road. "Alex? Whats wrong? I thought you would be happy!" "WHY?! 'Rent'....'Rent' is......" She sat next to me on the floor. "What?" ""RENT' IS CLOSING!" I sobbed out. She wrapped me in a tight hug. "Oh.....honey. I know its your favorite. Its okay. We still have the movie." "Its not the saaaaaame!" Angie came up to us. "You know, there is auditions coming up for the final performance....I'm thinking of trying out."


"Yeah, I was already in a bunch of TV shows and some movies. Did you forget I'm an actor?" "No.....with all the 'Heights' stuff, I haven't been in the real world much." I joked. "BUT ITS STILL CLOSING!" I wailed, stuffing the rocky road in my mouth.

This may take a while.

(Elizas POV)

I was just painting my nails with Angie, the next minute I'm comforting Alex and making sure he was enough rocky road ice cream. "Its okay, hon. You wanna know something great?" He looked up at me with sad puppy dog eyes. "What?" "They said that the Tony nominations are gonna be announced tomorrow, which means we'll get the call about it tonight." He perked up. "What does this mean?" "I'll stay up with you all night, until we get that call." He seemed to calm down at that. "We can watch movies and you can even invite the cast!" "Or......what if we all slept over at the theater?" He suggested. Angie smiled. "I love that! Back when I was doing 'Lion King', I used to love holding sleepovers for my castmates!" He started to get excited.

"I love it! We can set up a TV and sleeping bags on the stage!" But then he started to get upset again. I swear, you could've sworn he was secretly a woman on her period. "What if they hate it? I mean, the board is a very strict group, plus, I'm going up against 'The Little Mermaid'. 'THE LITTLE MERMAID'! WHICH HAS BEEN SCIENTIFICALLY BEEN PROVEN TO BE THE BEST MOVIE EVER!" He screamed. "Alex! Listen! You are the most talented person I know! If they don't like your musical, to hell with them! You are amazing, and you don't need a Tony to tell you that."

He wiped his tears. "I'm sorry, I've just been under stress with not finishing my song." He groaned as he flopped on my couch. I hugged him. "I know. Maybe you just need a break." "Huh, that would be a good song-wait, no. One thing at a time." Angie sat in the chair next to the couch. "As cute as you all look, I need my left hand painted." She said, holding up her hand. I grabbed the purple nail polish. "Sorry." As I painted her hand, Alex looked at the glitter nail polish. I didn't focus on him, I was painting Angies pinky. When I was done, I saw Alex had completely painted glitter on his hand. "What the-?"

"I guessing this isn't how you do it........"


(Alexs POV)

Everything was set up perfectly for tonight. TV, popcorn, board games, candy, and an endless supply of pastelitos. I sat on the stage in my 'Le Mis' sweatshirt and flannel PJ pants. Eliza came out in a blue tank top and candy-themed PJ pants with slippers and a robe. "Okay, front doors are locked, security cameras are on, and I had time to stop by a Blockbuster to grab movies." She held up 'Harry Potter', 'Iron Man', and of course, 'The Little Mermaid'. "You know, I hear they've been liquidating their stores." "Blockbuster?" "Yep." I heard the door open and shut. Peggy ran in with an oversized sweatshirt and leggings. "Sorry, my apartments being fumigated for the night. Liz said I could stay here." I looked at Eliza. She shrugged. "It won't hurt. I mean, we need as many people as we can to witness history tonight." The door opened again. "Speaking of...." The whole cast came through. Mandy immediately hit George with a pillow. "Two points!"

"Wheres Olga?" "She couldn't come tonight, she doesn't trust going out late at night." Seth explained. "Wheres the lovely girlfriend, Al?" "Right here." Eliza said. "So is that how Alex describes me?"

"Seth, don't answer!-"

"ALL. THE. TIME. He says you're the sweetest person in the world, and he's gone on so much about you, we had to tape his mouth to get him to shut up!" She looked at me, I just blushed. Peggy was going gaga over the set. "This is awesome!" She went in the bodega setup. "You guys have actual candy in here?!" I laughed. "Yep, sometimes I get hungry between shows, so when I can't sneak backstage, I got a stash out in the open."

Mandy had grabbed all the pillows and was throwing them in different directions. "PILLOW FIGHT!" Andrea team up with Javier. "Its on!" Soon enough, pillows were in all directions. One had it me square in the head. I turned to see Priscilla looking smug. "ITS ON, PRISCILLA!"

I just grabbed whatever I could and blindly threw what I had. Tommy and Alex L had a barricade for themselves, while me and Eliza hid in the bodega set. "They've gone mad!" I exclaimed. Karen burst in and got us with a Snoopy pillow. "Five points!" "We're keeping score?"

Robin, George, and Peggy (NOT INTENTIONAL I SWEAR) were just watching the drama go down. When the dust finally settled, Karen was the first to pass out. "Okay, so, 'Iron Man' or-

"The Little Mermaid." I said.

"Honey, you didn't-"

"THE. LITTLE. MERMAID." I stated. Eliza threw up her hands. "Okay." She popped the movie in. I looked to see Peggy, Javier, and George playing 'Life' in the corner. This was off to a great start.


It was now eleven.

We're out of snacks.

Half the cast is asleep.


Sorry, I'm just still salty about that. 

I cuddled with Eliza on the prop fire escape. "Hey, no matter what, we're in this together. I couldn't have gotten this far without you." I said. She smiled, her eyes were drooping. "Don't fall asleep, not yet. Five more minutes." I begged. "Okay. Fine." 

Just then, the phone rang. Everyone was silent, those who were asleep woke up. I ran as fast as I could to grab it. I picked it up cautiously. "Hello?" "Hi, Mr Hamilton! We have your results for the Tony nominations!" I put the phone on speaker. "Your nominations are, best sound design, costume design, scenic design, orchestrations, theres so many, really! We have to send the whole list! But, we want to congratulate you on getting in the best musical category! Few musicals get that one." I almost dropped the phone. "Thank you, ma'am." I said as I hung up. I looked to see the flabbergasted faces. "WE'RE IN!" I screamed. Everyone jumped around, cheered, and hugged, and a few 'WEPA's were heard from Robin.

Soon enough, everyone fell asleep. I snuggled with Eliza in my bed loft in my dressing room. "Thank you." I whispered. "For what?" "You were always my muse. Even when we graduated, you were my muse. Thank you for being in my life. I wouldn't have got this far without you."

She kissed my temple as we both drifted into sleep. "I'm glad to be in your life."

(Im aware this is my shortest chapter yet, but I promise I will go back and revise this to make it longer when I have the chance. Sorry cookie-cats.....)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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