the canvas

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kaito woke up yawning, his sleep was rough- everything seemed so uncomfortable and his head was aching, the Male stood up slowly trying to avoid giving himself head-rush. He wondered into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror, posing with a smug smile and "finger-gunning" he chuckled and smiled, bearing his teeth. he slicked back his hair and messed around in the mirror for a little longer before hearing a light knock at the door

*Knock Knock!*

"Coming!!" He spiked his hair back up quickly and ran to the door opening it. Standing there before me was a short, dark blue haired male standing with a warm smile "good morning kaito." The male happily nodded at him "goodmorning shuichi!" He smiled shuichi bearing his teeth "you're looking happy this morning, pal!~" shuichi warmly giggled "I wanted to check up on your art piece" he stepped inside kaito's apartment gently- taking off his shoes "oh yeah of course!" Kaito chuckled and helped shuichi take off his shoes before throwing them aside "it's so close to being finished!"

The males walked to kaitos room as they both laughed at each-others old jokes they remembered saying when they were kids. "Just in here!" Kaito happily proclaimed, taking out a canvas from the drawer next to his bed.
It was a beautifully painted nighttime sky with glistening white stars.
Saihara's eyes gleamed joyfully as he clasped his hands together "it's coming along so well, momota-chan!" He smiled softly, a positive energy radiating from his eyes. "Thanks man!" Kaito put the canvas down and showed a thumbs up towards the blue haired Male.
Saihara couldn't help but feel his face burning up into a light blush as he nervously laughed at the male standing infront of him "I really never knew you could paint so well" the blue haired male placed a hand on the back of his own head. Kaito blushed into a warm pink

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