Chapter 3: Helping Her

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"This was what I was afraid of. She has no memories," Aviva sighed.

"Yes I do. You're Mama," Nikki pointed at Aviva then at Chris, " and that's Papa." 

Aviva stared at the girl. She and Chris had only been dating for a little while, and neither wanted kids anytime soon. 

Yet here was a little girl already calling them her parents.

"Chris can we talk in private?" she asked.

"Sure," the green Kratt said and followed her out of the room. 

"Chris, she can't stay," Aviva said the second the door closed behind them. 

"Why not? She needs our help, Aviva," Chris said, folding his arms. 

"Her parents are probably looking for her."

"And what if their not?"


"Auntie," Koki felt a tug on her pant's leg, "why is Mama mad at Papa?"

Koki looked down at the small 4 year old girl with big brown eyes. 

"Um, well-" Koki started to say.

"Your Papa did something he wasn't suppose to and now your Mama is talking to him about it. She not mad at him at all," Martin lied quickly. 

The little brunette seemed to except the answer. 

"Are you two dating?" Nikki asked, pointing at Koki and the blue Kratt brother. 

The pair looked at each other surprised. 

They had been dating, secretly, since the Wild Kratts crew had formed. 

Koki's computer beeped and she let out a sigh of relief as she turned to face the monitor. 

 The message on the screen shut that off immediately.  

It read "1 match found."

"Martin, you might want to go get the two lovebirds. We've got news," the African-american said.


"Nicole Varmitech, born April 1st, 2014, died May 12th, 2016," the green Kratt brother read out loud.

"Koki, are you sure this is right?" Aviva asked the darker skinned woman. 

"100% sure. I doubled check it myself," the communications expert said. 

"So she doesn't have a family?" Jimmy asked from his spot near Nikki, who was wearing headphones and watching videos on his console. 

"She does now," Aviva said. 

"Are you sure?" Chris asked. 

"Yes. Even if she's Zach's niece, she is going to stay here. There is no way I'm letting Zach raise this pobrecita," Aviva said, picking up Nikki and hugging her tight.

"Mama," Nikki smiled and hugged her back. 

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