Chapter 12: Truth

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Nikki tapped her foot, waiting for uncle Martin to wake up. 

With her dad in the hospital for the last two weeks, she had stepped up as a creature adventurer. 

"Nikki, what are you doing up so early?" her aunt Koki asked as she sat down at her work station with a cup of coffee. 

"My Uncle," she shouted at the closed door, "promised to that we could go adventuring with a creature of my choice today and I choose the desert Dingoes."

"And he choose to sleep in?" her aunt asked, taking a swig of coffee.

Nikki grunted. She hated not being able to enter the adults' rooms without the room's owner's permission. 

"Hold on. I'll get him up," her aunt reached into one of her desk drawers and pulled out an air horn.


"Martin, wake up. Your niece is waiting," Koki nudged the older Kratt brother. She got grumble in response. 

"You asked for it," she said and blasted the air horn.

Her boyfriend jumped and tumbled out of his bunk, scanning the room of danger. When he saw Koki laughing, he glared at her. 

"Why are you waking me up this early?" he asked sitting up. 

"Your niece has been waiting for you outside your door for the last half hour so you could take her creature adventuring."

"I'll do it tomorrow," the blonde said, burying himself under his covers. 

"You said that yesterday. And the day before. And the day before that," Koki said lifting the blanket. 

"Koki, please just leave me alone."

Koki glared at her boyfriend. He had no right to act this way. He had been ignoring the rest of the crew and only talked to them when he was forced to. 

"You know what?! I'm going to take Nikki adventuring because you're to wrapped up in guilt to hang out with your niece who's dad is in the hospital!" Koki shouted.

"I'm not wrapped up in guilt!" Martin yelled, getting out of bed. 

"Yes you are!" Koki folded her arms across her chest. 

"No, I'm not!" Martin shouted in her face. 

"Then why have you been avoiding everyone? Why have you been snappish towards Nikki?"

"Get out!"

"Not until you answer me!"

"Fine you want to know so bad!? Its because she's Zach's niece, not mine!"

"So what?"

"Ever since she got here, everything has been going wrong!" Martin yelled.

"Martin!" Koki shouted back.


Nikki felt the tears run down her cheeks. 

Was she really the niece of the most evil robotics inventor to date?

No, that couldn't be right. But her uncle had never lied to her ever, there was no way he would lie about this. 

She crumpled into a ball and began sobbing in front of her uncle's door.


Koki heard Nikki's sobs through the door and glared at her boyfriend.

"Well Martin William Kratt, I hope you're happy now," Koki snapped and walked towards the door. 

"Koki wait-" Martin tried to say. 

"And I hope you also enjoy being single," she said and walked out of the room. 

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