Jonathan x Noah

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Noah POV:
Jonathan walked in, standing at 6'5 but still being squishy. He was the perfect man, caring, kind and passionate about everything. I couldn't help but wonder if the length in his pants was just as impressive as his height.
"Hey Jonathan, how big is your dick" getting straight to point but honestly I was feeling confident and horny. Jonathan looked at me shocked and confused, but I could see the sexual frustration in his eyes.
"Bend over and you can see." His response took me by surprise. Ha, him being so blunt but trying to be the top here, not gonna happen.
How was I gonna get him down tho? I asked him to sit down, simple really as he followed like a puppy. It's time for the fun to begin! I sat on his lap and started to move my hips, grinding on his dick. Jonathan jumped a little at my actions, but he didn't hesitate to put his hands on my hips. I turned towards him to look him in the eyes, I've been dying to see how soft his lips are.
I started to kiss him passionately and roughly, he kissed back trying to focus his tongue into my mouth and I let him.
I couldn't wait anymore I grabbed his pants and pulled them down as well as his boxers. No surprise, he's as hard as I am. I followed my own actions pulling down my shirts and boxers. I lifted myself up to position my self into him and slam myself down.
"Ahhhhhh ah omg y-you're so m-m-much b-bigger then I thought" i said trying to catch my breath.
Jonathan smirked whispering sweet nothings into my ear as his starts to move me up and down. I became stable again and took back control moving faster and harder then before. Before I knew it I'm filled with something warm , as I spatted my own cum into Jonathan chest. We both sat there trying to catch our breath, as we smiled at one other.

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