You.- Mitchel Cave

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You lay in your bed after a long day of work and close your eyes. You're breath becomes slower and even and you're about to pass out but suddenly hear a loud knock coming from your window.

At first you think you're already dreaming so you let your eyes closed but the knocks get louder and you finally sit up rubbing your eyes before standing up and walking to your window.

You didn't really expected this person to stand right behind your window and waiting impatiently. "Mitchel. What are you doing here?" You ask surprised while you open the whole window so he can come in.

You met him on a party you were forced to go by your best friend. He was drunk and you kept an eye on him while waiting for his brother and best friend. They all thanked you for staying with him and you gave them your number while saying: "If you need a babysitter again, just call me." You then recieved a message from Mitchel the other day that he wanted to return the favor and took you out to eat something. You two spent more time together and you kinda fell in love with him. You love how excited he gets when someone mentions that they will go bowling with him. You love his laugh after he told a joke even if it wasn't that funny, he always laughs. You love your little messages you write at night when you can't sleep.
You never told him how you feel and know you regrer it. He has been in a relationship for about a few months and it hurts you a little seeing them together.

"Can't I just visit my best friend?" He asks with this retorical look on his face while closing the window and turning back to face me. "No, because you're supposed to sit in a restaurant with your girlfriend." You remind him and lay down on your bed again.

"Oh, we canceled it." He just says and plays with the decoration on my desk. "or more precisely, I cancelled it."

"You did what?" You sit yourself up to face him and catch him taking your pen to just press this little bottom that makes an annoying sound. "I cancelled it." He repeats and stands up after to sit on the other side of the bed. "But why did you do that?"

Your head followed his moves and you look him in his grey eyes right now. You expect him to tell you the reason for it but you suddenly feel his cold hands on your cheeks and you feel how you get goosebumps. Your heads come closer to each other until your lips connect.

You should have stopped it but you just can't. You know it's not right. You would have enjoyed it if it had not been under this circumstances.

You two finally let go of each other and Mitchel quickly apologizes. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that." He puts away his hands. "Mitchel... you have a girlfriend" Is the only thing you can say since you're still surprised about what just happend.

"I know but I'm tired of her, okay? She's awful." Your best friend tells you and it's shocking me. you've never seen him so hopeless. "Then why did you start a relationship with her? Why are you still together with her?" The questions run out your mouth. I can't help it. "I tried to break up with her. I tried to talk to her but she's never listening. I knew that from the beginning."

Mitchel is an awesome boy who deserves better than this. You know he always listens to what other people have to say and to have no one that listens to you really sucks. Especially in his situation.

"But why are you in a relationship with her?" You repeat your question and he shrugs.

"I wanted the girl I love to be in a happy relationship with someone that isn't a loser. She deserves better than me." He goes quiet towards the end.

This makes you sad. You feel sorry for him and wish you were the one to save him from his toxic relationship yet you hope that he tells you who that girl is.

"And who's that girl?"

so this is my first One Shot and I hope it isn't too boring or whatever. And I hope you liked it.
I try to post new one shots like weekly or every two weeks but I can't promise it. Sometimes there might be two or more but sometimes there might be none cuz my head is empty, lmao.
Okay I'mma shut up now and yeah
thx for reading.

Chase Atlantic One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora