Happy Father's Day - Clinton Cave

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You and Clinton have been dating for about two years now and he has made you the happiest girl you've ever been.

He always shows up at your house with chocolate when you're feeling down. He always gives you compliments and he always makes you feel so comfortable. Clinton's the most important person to you and you trust him a lot. But there's one thing you're afraid of telling him.

You've felt like shit these past couple of weeks and you exactly know why. You're pregnant with his baby. You found out about it last week and immediately bought a pregnancy test which was positive. To be 100% sure you also visited a doctor and the results are now in your hands.

At first your whole world seemed to break down. You're not ready for a child. You have so much plans. But you slowly need to accept it.

You're just so scared of Clinton's reaction. What if he leaves me? What if he isn't ready too? What about his band?

This questions seem to eat you alive while you're coming closer to their House, the envelope with the results in your hand. Before you ring the bell, you put the envelope in your back pocket of your jeans.

While waiting for someone to open the door you play with your hands and repeat the words you want to say to your boyfriend in your head.

Finally Mitchel appears behind the door and he greets you with a hug before you head to Clinton's room.

He sits at his table and does some stuff - probably designing some new merch - but he immediately stops as he sees you. A bright smile finds its way onto his lips and he embraces you in a tight hug.

"I missed you so much, baby." He says after letting go of you. His face expression turns from happy to serious as soon as he sees the worrieness in your face.

"What's wrong honey?" Clinton still holds your hand as you both sit down on his bed.

You try to remember the words you wanted to say but your mind is so empty. Your eyes look at him but all you can do is stay quiet and hand him the paper. "What is this?" He asks but takes it and opens it.

A few tears roll down your face while he's reading it. You've never been this scared in your life. You imagine the worst scenarios in your head.

Finally he's finished with reading the paper and he just looks at you. "I'm sorry." Your voice is quiet because you try not to cry. "I'm so sorry." You cover your face in your hands and cry.

As you feel a warm hand on your shoulder you stop crying and Clinton lifts your chin up with his other hand. He puts a short kiss on your lips and looks at you. "Stop crying, babe. Everything will be okay, promise me." Your boyfriend tries to reasure you but you just shake your head.

"No, nothing's gonna be okay. I'm not ready for a child. I can't do this." Clinton pulls you in a hug and strokes your head. "Shhh. You can do this. You're not alone. I'm here. My family is here. Everyone is here for you baby."

You think about his words for a moment. "This might be a bit soon, I know. But you should know that I won't leave you ever, okay? I love you so much." And both of you stay quiet for good 10 minutes.

You thought about his words and finally find the right words. "I know that I always can count on you. And I trust you a lot. I think I'll accept the fact that I'm going to be a mother soon. But I'm still scared tho." You admit and didn't take your eyes of the boy next to you.

"Don't be scared, baby. I will do everything to make you feel good and I can't wait to hold our little angel in my arms." He tries to calm you down a bit more while rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb.

You both lay down in his bed later that night because you feel very tired and before you completely fall asleep, you take Clinton's hand and place it onto your stomach.

"I'm gonna be the best dad ever." You hear him whisper before you fall asleep with a smile on your face.
Hello, I'm still alive lmao.
Also I don't know what this chapter is. It's so bad, damn. But anyways I hope you still liked it a bit lmao.
You can send me requests too but I know that no one is gonna do that ahahha.

Plus shout out to clintonisbae for sending me the picture 🤙🏻

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2019 ⏰

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